Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Resolving CoreDNS Loop Error

I am trying to resolve a loop error with CoreDNS as part of a 2-node Kubernetes cluster. The issue is thoroughly documented (below), but I am not strong on dns and networking so am having trouble working through it. Core DNS doco:…
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LB Kubernetes on Google Cloud, http request refused

I create a LB Kubernetes service and define to accept traffic from both port 80 and 443. but my http request is dropped my connection to my application.
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Kube dashboard and calico network in pending state

I am following the below blog to create a kubernetes cluster (on AWS EC2). I completed executing the commands till master config. But dashboard and calico network is stuck on pending state.…
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GKE nodes fail to upgrade

I hope this is the right place to ask, I've followed all the support links from the GCP console which have led me here! In the past I would frequently keep my GKE k8s master and nodes up to date using the GCP console. This all worked seamlessly...…
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Kubernetes API Server Healthcheck Address with kubeadm

I'm attempting to start a kubernetes cluster on a machine that has two ip-addresses with kubeadm v1.13.1. I'd like the kube-apiserver process to bind to one of them specifically. I've been successfull in doing this with the following configuration…
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regarding externalIp of nginx ingress

Is it mandatory to use the externlIPs field for nginx ingress controller when I'm having the type a Loadbalancer? apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ingress-nginx namespace: ingress-nginx labels: app: ingress-nginx spec: type:…
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2 answers

How to make GKE Services visible to another GKE cluster running in a different VPC

I am struggling to make Services become visible though peered VPC. I have two GKE clusters (cluster-A and cluster-B) each of then in a different VPC. I've created a VPC network peering connecting both VPC's. I followed the instructions to enable…
2 answers

How to externally access a kubernetes service of type as "NodePort", using ec2 Public IP

On ec2, running a single node k8s cluster. On the node, a service is running with the type as "NodePort" with the exposed port "31380". I need to access this service externally over port 80. apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name:…
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Run kubernetes cluster directly on ubuntu (vps)

Currently I am experimenting with local hosted clusters using minikube. For a project I want to run a cluster of 1-2 nodes on my ubuntu VPS server. As I can not calculate the need of resources such as RAM I try to run it on a VPS server instead…
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Kubernetes API server issue

Trying to get the Dashboard UI working in a kubeadm cluster using kubectl proxy for remote access. Getting Error: 'dial tcp connect: connection refused' Trying to reach: '' when accessing…
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What happens when a pod fails for readiness health check?

I was tracking down an unknown timeout problem in our cluster and found something interesting. We currently have 30 pods for a service. When I run kubectl get event Those 30 pods have been failing for readiness. All of them have "LASTSEEN" less…
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1 answer

GCP Load Balancer not created when deployment is exposed

I've a created Kubernetes v1.12.0 cluster on GCP consisting of 3 controller VMs and 3 node VMs, all running Ubuntu 18-04 LTS (Kernel 4.15.0-1025-gcp) I'm using weave v2.5.0 for networking and everything works fine except no load balancer is created…
0 answers

Kubernetes - does not start the role of master

I'm starting a Kubernetes cluster of 3 nodes (1 master, 2 worker) Trying to go by steps described in Ansible playbook - Applying playbook steps 1,2,3 consequentially After than, I connect to master to…
1 answer

how to do storage networking in kubernetes?

assuming that i have a working kubernetes cluster installed if i create a pod with a persistent volume claim requesting 1GB of storage and i bind it to a local directory or nfs server will kubernetes monitor the amount of data in the volume and stop…
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puppet upgrade kubernetes now kubelet won't stay up

Made a mistake in a puppet config and inadvertently let puppet upgrade a kubernetes cluster to 1.13.0. Since k8 wants a somewhat involved upgrade process the whole thing was fairly botched. After running the process manually and getting all impacted…
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