Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

How to configure Internal DNS for Kubernetes

I have 2 services which talk to each other by or by Their communication is internal, i.e. non of those domains are available in public. When I migrate to kubernetes, the new names are different. They…
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An Azure Cluster with Two Node Types

I want to create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure with different node types. The cluster will be used for a web application that performs complex calculations. I want the web application to run on one type of nodes, and the calculations to run on…
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Why same request has different response times?

I have an API (built with nodejs) and deployed on a kubernetes cluster using a docker image. For default route I simply return a Hello World QA! message. I am testing response times of this GET request and I see that once in a while, randomly, one…
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1 answer

how to change timeout values in a kubernetes cluster?

i have setup a kubernetes cluster with 3 masters and multiple workers (kubeadm) if i shut down a worker the node goes into Not-ready state fairly quickly but it takes some time for pods assigned to that node to be rescheduled how can i decrease the…
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Jenkins (and other apps) user authentication in a K8s cluster

I have Jenkins running in a pod, in an on-prem Kubernetes cluster. My company uses AD, and my Jenkins instance outside the cluster (I'm migrating from this to the cluster instance) uses LDAP for authentication. The cluster is running an nginx…
Mike Rysanek
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0 answers

kubeadm fails to init with timed out waiting for the condition

I've set up a new server in digital ocean, ubuntu 16.04. installed docker from the ubuntu repos and set up kuberenetes according to this guide: I've tried several times, to kubeadm init…
Tom Klino
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Define loadBalancerIP via its GCP URI

I am configuring my GKE service to work with internal load balancer as described in the GCP docs: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: [NAME] annotations: "Internal" spec: type: LoadBalancer …
0 answers

Is there a way to change the default dnsPolicy without modifying every PodSpec?

I am looking for a way to use dnsPolicy = "Default" in kubernetes clusters I manage. The docs mention that DNS policies can be set on a per-pod basis. [...] These policies are specified in the dnsPolicy field of a Pod Spec. Changing every…
Hakan Baba
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Kubernetes custom routes

I started OpenVPN on my k8s cluster and now clients can directly connect to the ClusterIP services but i need masquerade for it because pods (except OpenVPN pod) do not know route to clients. Is there possibility to add custom route to Kubernetes…
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Accessing kubernetes service using hostname/IP address

My end goal is to be able to access exposed Kubernetes services running on on my host from another host. I am doing development in minikube and have tried using an Ingress controller. I am able to get this working on the device itself, as per the…
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Error Adding S3 Log Annotations to K8s Service

We're running k8s 1.10 in AWS EKS. We're trying to put our load balancer logs into an S3 bucket by adding the required annotations to a service yaml file as described here. Here's a snippet from our services yaml file. metadata: annotations: …
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Kubernetes PV with Block storage over internet - Secure?

I'm trying to create Persistent Volume on my k8s cluster with DigitalOcean Block storage, Using CSI driver. It works fine, but I also wants to know that this is secure even for production. I'm still looking for docs about PV security but can't find…
Yechan Kim
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Kubernetes Networking Behind NAT

I posted this in StackOverflow but got redirected here, so I'm asking it again. I'm currently working on a use case where multiple machines behind NAT routers need to be able to act as nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. This presents some serious…
0 answers

504 Gateway Time-out Nginx -> PHP-FPM kubernetes

I've been trying to get my nginx connection to work with php-fpm for several days now. The problem is, he always gives me a 504 and gives me the next error log: 2018/07/09 10:57:25 [error] 5#5: *10 upstream timed out (110: Operation timed out)…
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3 answers

Can not find kubectl executable in PATH

Azure Kubernetes Service created and now to open Kubernetes dashboard, following the steps and getting error: az : ERROR: Can not find kubectl executable in PATH). PS C:\Program Files (x86)> az aks install-cli az : WARNING: Downloading client to…
Kannan GK
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