Questions tagged [kill-process]

43 questions
1 answer

Killing process group safely

How can one kill a process group safely, and force kill if needed? The goal is to do a kill with SIGTERM (-15) then if the apps in the tree do not die after a timeout (e.g. 60 seconds) do a SIGKILL (-9). We have a scenario with parent process and a…
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Processes is getting killed randomly on REdHat

We have around java virtual machines with limited memory, and MongoDB. Deployed processes are randomly getting killed/terminated abruptly in time. No matter java process, nodejs or mongodb process. We tried OOM configuration changes also which did…
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Kill (close) reliability monitor windows by PID powershell

I am trying create a process of the windows reliability monitor and kill it after I take a screenshot. I am having trouble to get the process and automatically close it before I take the screenshot because there is no process ID that identifies that…
kimo pryvt
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In the output of ps(1) on OS X-like systems, what do processes listed in parentheses mean, and how do I kill them?

username@yosemite ~ % ps wwwaux | grep java username 48111 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? ?E 11:54AM 0:00.00 (java) username 91673 0.0 0.0 2432772 508 s006 R+ 3:19PM 0:00.00 grep java username 90809 0.0 0.0…
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Kill process and child processes, not parent processes, not group

I need to kill a process and all of its subprocesses programatically. Killing the group is not an option because I do not want to kill the parent processes. Example: pid process 1 nice parent process that should live 2 …
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how to stop md3_raid1 and md3_resync process which takes high load

how to stop md3_raid1 and md3_resync process which takes heavy load. can anyone please help me how to stop this process and may i know why this process in started,, now there are 100 plus visitor , i dont need downtime. please help me quick. 2273…
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Batch file that kills a certain process

I am using the following script to kill a process in CLOSE_WAIT state that listens to a certain ip and to a certain port. FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %%I IN ( 'netstat -ano ^| find "" ^| find "CLOSE_WAIT"' ) DO ( taskkill /PID…
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Set up Ubuntu to kill off Apache child processes when memory usage reaches 90%

My situation is following: We run Magento Professional on a 15Gb ram instance, rackspace. When running htop, we could see that 'apache2 -k start' keeps spawning more child processes, some of them eats ~900Mb of memory. When memory is almost used…
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4 answers

Kill processes if high load average

Not so far ago LA on my server raised to 400 and I couldn't even login to server using ssh. Does exists any software, that can prevent this situations by automatically killing processes that making huge load on server? PS. Debian 6.0.5
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How to kill a process running under SYSTEM account in the Windows Server?

I have a server with Windows Server 2008 R2 and a service process (our custom service) running on it under SYSTEM account. A service has presumably hanged and I wanted to stop it. I tried stopping via Management Console "Services" snap-in, but it…
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Powershell: start and stop flask server

I wrote a powershell script to start my flask server, run my tests then stop my server. It starts the server and runs my tests. However, when it kills the $server process, it leaves the actual server process running and I can see the window for…
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2 answers

How to terminate backend PHP scripts invoked by Apache webserver?

I'm invoking some PHP backend scripts on Apache webserver that are programmed to run for a few days. The trouble is that I cannot figure out a way to stop these scripts (except restarting the server using sudo apachectl restart). Normally I would…
Roy Granit
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How to kill non-existent process?

I have a process with PID 4276 which uses port 9191. I need this port to install software. can someone tell me how to kill this process? The Windows task manager doesn't show the process and PowerShell is not able to find the task.
1 answer

linux - ps have different column with process ID

I have simple Docker's command to kill database process: docker exec app-pgsql bash -c 'ps axuf |grep ils |cut -d" " -f3 |xargs kill -9 || :' and as you can see, I'm looking for 3rd column from ps to get process ID but sometimes this column is…
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How to stop process fdhost?

I'm trying to update SQL Server 2016 to CU7. During the Files in Use check, I'm prompted to stop fdhost.exe for each running instance in order to prevent the need for a reboot. But how to stop this process? I've stopped the Full-text Filter service…
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