Questions tagged [kill-process]

43 questions
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Can't kill an process on GPU

i have an process running on an K80 GPU. Is there an way to stop it with the nvidia tools? I tried all the kill -9 etc. Nothing is killing it. $uname -a Linux slurm10 3.16.0-33-generic #44~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 13 10:33:29 UTC 2015 x86_64…
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How to kill all processes with Sl stat in ubuntu?

I have some scripts which spawns multiple processess to tasks in background. Most of them terminates but few of them does not terminates on finishing the task. The number of these types of processes keeps on increasing and now they are consuming a…
Manish Gupta
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How to kill a respawn service on ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I want to kill a respawn service by using upstart. when I use "htop" command to monitor system,I observe a process "/123.lock". when I kill it via "kill" command,it restart again. how could I kill it via upstart to kill this process totally? best…
1 answer

Is it possible to kill a process based on its environment, from the command line?

Scenario: Let's assume I have a script that spawns a few processes. There may be times when the script has to be aborted. Most times this is fine. However, sometimes one or two of the spawned processes remain running, and are orphaned, because the…
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Files deleted but process open

My /dev/md1 is full # du -x -m --max-depth=1 | sort -n shows 0 ./dev 0 ./proc 0 ./sys 1 ./home 1 ./lost+found 1 ./media 1 ./mnt 1 ./selinux 1 ./srv 1 ./tmp 4 ./lib32 6 ./bin 7 ./etc 13 ./boot 13 ./sbin 15 ./lib 236 …
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Cannot kill httpd process even with -9

I cannot kill httpd process on my VPS running centos 6.5. I tried killing it with -9 flag which didn't work either. Output of command: ps aux | grep httpd root 29459 0.0 0.0 103252 828 pts/0 S+ 11:24 0:00 grep httpd What is strange…
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Kill or continue lost Linux sessions

I have an unreliable Internet connection. Sometimes it is lost while logged on to the text command interface of a Ubuntu server. This results in a "garbage" user session (seen when using the who command). Is there any way I can login to the server…
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Close process in all pc of windows domain

How can i close a particular process in ALL domain's PC? I need this for maintenance. The domain is a Windows server 2003 domain. As Dan suggests PSKILL works very well for this purpose but i need something to list all pc connected to my domain to…
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Kill .so file process

I have a program, I cannot change the code. It calls some .so file's function, but don't delete the object in the end. When the owner of the program tries to update the program he kills it and send the update, but the .so file is in use so he can't…
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How can I find out which program is executed through a PID which is ended

I found there is a program that killed my Apache regularly, according to the log information, I understand there is a program using "/etc/init.d/apache2 stop" to stop apache, since this process is gone, how can I find out this PID belongs to which…
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How to kill a process by its full name, including the path?

Given the full file name of a process, how can I kill it? Not only by its file name, but by full file name. I've looked into kill and pkill and they're not what I'm looking for.
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Processes during stress test get killed

I've run into a somewhat curious situation. I'm currently stress testing a couple of new machines running Fedora 20. I've tried mprime, memtester and systester. All execute for a while and suddenly end with nothing besides a "Killed" message.…
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how do I kill these from ssh?

root 813251 813235 0 Feb02 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/test -x /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/update_db_cache && /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/update_db_cache root 813265 813251 0 Feb02 ? 00:00:00…
Nikki Wilson
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