Questions tagged [keepalived]

an open source daemon that implements the VRRP standard.

The keepalived project is an open source implementation of the VRRP protocol as well as a configuration interface to the Linux ipvs framework. VRRP is based on Cisco's proprietary Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) concepts. When these two portions of the application are used in concert, a pair of linux servers can be a stable, low-cost alternative to commercial load balancers.

Cisco has claimed that VRRP is protected under HSRP patents, so using keepalived is legally questionable.

233 questions
2 answers

Why am i encoutering a split brain issue in keepalived?

When I start my BACKUP keepalived instance it also assumes the MASTER State as you can see below: Mar 28 02:38:05 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[23527]: VRRP_Instance(VI_01) Entering BACKUP STATE Mar 28 02:38:05 localhost Keepalived_vrrp[23527]: VRRP…
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High availability load balancing for cold standby with automatic service startup

I'm trying to set up a high availability cluster in AWS for an application that I'm running. The application is on an EC2 instance which sits in front of an Oracle RDS. If I use traditional load balancing and have two instances running at the same…
1 answer

keepalived - How do you define multilpe VRRP instances on same interface?

I am in a situation where I need to set 2 VRRP instances on same interface. I need to achieve this because rsyslogd and elasticsearch needs to use interface eth0 for network communication. This post seemed to be a similar one did not mention about…
Yu Watanabe
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Keepalived with EC2 Elastic IP

I've tried once to use Keepalived with EC2 Elastic IP failover but default Keepalived configuration was unstable as IP address begin to flapping due to switchover delays and doesn't come back to MASTER in case of any network or API related…
1 answer

LVS DNS load balancing on machine with only 1 NIC

First of all let me clarify that I am just a software developer not an admin, thus I have some knowledge (let's say a basic understanding of the concepts) regarding networking configuration as well as these types of setup, but I'm no ace, so please…
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KeepAlived on different subnets

I am trying to setup keepalived on ESXi based setup where 2 physical box have ESXi installed and each one having a node which works as load-balancer using HAProxy. Now in order to achieve high availability I want to use KeepAlived so both HAProxy…
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How to share local IP within a cluster if server is bound to one IP?

I have a cluster with 3 nodes running in VMs on test setup. Now I want to take it to production and rented 3 dedicated root servers at Hetzner Online connected by a switch. As I found out, they do not offer anymore shared IP and instead bind a…
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How to configure Failover IPs for High Availability with Hetzner Online

I have a cluster of 3 Ubuntu nodes running in VMs in the lab and want to take it now to production. Hetzner Online offers some good value dedicated servers, so I rented 3 machines, connected with a gigabit switch. My intention is to…
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AWS keepalived backup immediately goes to MASTER

Referencing these two guides: Trying to get keepalived…
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3 answers

Unable to start keepalived

I am trying to create load balancer using Virtual IP. I referred this link Load Balancer using Virtual IP. After configuring by mistake I started the backup server's keepalived service first and then I started master server's keepalived. The problem…
1 answer

How would you set up multiple SSL terminating Haproxy instances, which are themselves load balanced?

I've been doing a great deal of research and experimentation on this, and I'm really running into a wall: I'm trying to set up HAProxy as the reverse proxy for a high-availability environment. All traffic going into and out of this environment is…
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Keepalived (LVS) + SPDY

I've got Keepalived configured with LVS to spread the load between four Nginx web servers (RR mode, no persistence connections). I was planning to enable SPDY however it seems that SPDY sets up a single TCP connection per host so when a web node is…
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1 answer

keepalived track_script doesn't seem to run

I'm hoping someone can see what I'm doing wrong and offer help to get a keepalived track_script to run. I have the priority set to 101 on the vrrp_instance of the primary keepalived box and 100 on the failover box. Disconnecting the network or…
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2 answers

Keepalived load balancing MySQL. Backup server time-out

Dear beloved people at ServerFault. I'm trying (and failing) to setup a load balanced MySQL server array. Please enlighten me, show me the error in my ways. Current setup: two MySQL servers with dedicated fixed IP's ( &…
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2 answers

should a virtual interface clash with keepalived?

I was working on a server today, debian squeeze. After testing this on two staging servers, I added a virtual network interface to /etc/network/interfaces like this: # The primary network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback allow-hotplug…
Kevin G.
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