Questions tagged [keepalived]

an open source daemon that implements the VRRP standard.

The keepalived project is an open source implementation of the VRRP protocol as well as a configuration interface to the Linux ipvs framework. VRRP is based on Cisco's proprietary Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) concepts. When these two portions of the application are used in concert, a pair of linux servers can be a stable, low-cost alternative to commercial load balancers.

Cisco has claimed that VRRP is protected under HSRP patents, so using keepalived is legally questionable.

233 questions
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Keepalived: Transitioning to backup node not happening when check script on master server finds service is down for an applicaiton

I am trying to configure keepalived in such a way that if any application or service running on master node fails, keepalived should consider it as fault and backup node should act as master and take over the floating IP from master node. I have…
0 answers

keepalived(or another solutions) between 2 interfaces one server

community. Could you help me with the next question? I'll have a server Linux with 2 NIC in the same network ens33 ens34 and plugin in different switches: I want to use Virtual IP (Floating IP) for example…
0 answers

Keepalived and HAProxy on 3 VMs

I have a setup with 3 nodes each has keepalived and HAProxy installed. Keepalived is installed on the VM but HAProxy is running as part of a docker swarm. HAProxy is running on host network mode. --VM-1----------------------------- …
0 answers

KeepAlived UDP Load Balancer with DTLS

I have a cluster of servers that rely on UDP for client communications. Among the few LBs that support UDP there is KeepAlived which however operates at layer 4: I have a minimum of experience with LB of layer 7 therefore, if with KeepAlived I…
0 answers

15 minute timeout in HA k8s cluster when node stops

I set up a k8s cluster more or less following this guide. So I have three master and control-plane nodes. I use haproxy as load balancer with following…
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Keepalived won't forward traffic to BACKUP node after Kubernetes cluster setup

System Structure: Kubernetes master node Kubernetes worker 1 node; keepalived MASTER node Kubernetes worker 2 node; keepalived BACKUP node VIP, would load balance to .87 & .88; implemented by…
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1 answer

keepalived delay before bringing ip up

Is it possible to configure a delay before bringing the virtual IP up in keepalived? Background: I have multiple Master/Master MySQL Setups. Only one Master is used at time. Keepalived is used for VIP that is used for mysql traffic. When the VIP is…
1 answer

high availability with keepalived and nginx on ubuntu

I have two identical linux servers serving the same content through nginx. I want to have high availability through failover with keepalived, that is, server number 1 always serves the content of nginx whenever possible, if it crashes, server 2…
1 answer

keepalived - "notifiy_master"/ "notify_backup" does not start/stop application

I want to start/stop a freeradius depending on the master (start) or the backup (stop) state of the keepalived instance. The freeradius is listening for accounting messages on the shared virtual ip. I tried to reach this with notify_master and…
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Need Restart OS Level After change virtual ip on keepalived

I am using keepalived for make HA current maxscale and using virtual IP on keepalived. If I change virtual IP on keepalived I must restart OS on VM or restart keepalived service only? I am still confused about that.
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Can I have identical config on all Keepalived nodes?

While trying to configure an experimental Kubernetes cluster (in a few VMs on my laptop) as "high available" I found the advise to do this using the combination of keepalived and haproxy (…
Niels Basjes
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IPVS transmitting packets to incorrect backends

We are using ipvs for L4 loadbalancing which transmits packets to L7 backends on ipip tunnel mode. There are three ipvs systems configured with source hashing for persistence. Sometimes, ipvs is transmitting the packets to incorrect backends. For…
Vignesh SP
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how to health check haproxy backend with different IP?

I am running 2 haproxy servers that keep state of each other with keepalived to be fault tolerant. These haproxies have many frontends and backends, in order to avoid port exhaustion when forwarding to backends I added the "source" param so it will…
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Haproxy service won’t start when keepalived service is running

I am trying to configure haproxy with keepalived but if I start keepalived service first, haproxy fails to start. When keepalived service is stopped, haproxy starts without any problems. I get the error below when I attempt to start haproxy manually…
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2 Node -- KeepaliveD -- network break

I have a two node ( VMs ) setup running keepaliveD. The problem is that due to only ability of managing the VMs from command line, I can't demonstrate how the network break between both node-A and node-B will behave ( if I would have a control, I…
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