Questions tagged [keepalived]

an open source daemon that implements the VRRP standard.

The keepalived project is an open source implementation of the VRRP protocol as well as a configuration interface to the Linux ipvs framework. VRRP is based on Cisco's proprietary Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) concepts. When these two portions of the application are used in concert, a pair of linux servers can be a stable, low-cost alternative to commercial load balancers.

Cisco has claimed that VRRP is protected under HSRP patents, so using keepalived is legally questionable.

233 questions
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Keepalived: multicast vs unicast

I'm planning to deploy a several keepalived routers to maintain floating IPs for different database clusters. The plan is to deploy a separate VRRP instance on each cluster locally according to this guide so there will be only two VRRP…
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3 answers

HAProxy/Keepalived vrrp set up in AWS EC2 with EIP (Basic EC2)

I am a newbie to CentOS/Linux/HAProxy/Keepalived, so I have had a lot to learn over the past few days! I have 2 CentOS 6.5 servers in Amazon AWS running on their own EC2 Micro instances. I also have 1 Elastic IP set up. Each instance has the…
1 answer

keepalived vip removed with dhcp renewal

I am having this strange issue where my vip is being removed from my interface when I receive a new DHCP renewal request. The logs shows the following: Jun 1 17:00:06 lb1 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67…
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KeepAliveD, Rackspace Cloud, Unicast - both LB's enter MASTER state...?

I have set up two HAProxy Load Balancers in an Active->Passive pair. KeepAliveD will be used for failover between MASTER and BACKUP servers. Like most clouds, Multicast is not supported so I cannot use a Virtual IP. Instead I'm attempting to use…
0 answers

Keepalived not re-adding real servers

I'm trying to setup a simple virtual server in Keepalived and when the servers get removed from the pool, they do not get re-added automatically. In the Keepalived server syslog I see: Oct 01 11:37:39 lb2 kernel: IPVS: WRR: no destination…
Andy Shinn
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keepalived wont start

I have compiled and configured keepalived but it won't start. This is my very basic config; vrrp_sync_group PUBLIC_WEB_IPS { group { public_http_ip_lan } } vrrp_instance public_http_ip_lan { …
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keepalived 2 VIP and 2 servers

Is it possible to configure keepalived in such a way? In normal state VIP_1 assigned to SERVER_1 and VIP_2 assigned to SERVER_2 On server failure all VIP's going to working server, and after failed server becomes live we don't migrate his VIP back…
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ipvsadm lists a few hosts by IP only, rest by name

We use keepalived to manage our Linux Virtual Server (LVS) load balancer. The LVS VIPs are setup to use a FWMARK as configured in iptables. virtual_server fwmark 300000 { delay_loop 10 lb_algo wrr lb_kind NAT persistence_timeout…
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Compare HTTP load balacing using HAProxy & Nginx

My requirements: Weighted RR load balancing NO need sticky session support NO need SSL NO need HTTP 1.1 to backend So effectively I just need very simple HTTP load balacing!! My Boss asked to try HA Proxy, but I am wondering if HA Proxy is…
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Keepalived not honoring nopreempt

I'm using Keepalived to manage two Redis instances in a master/slave configuration. I'm experiencing a situation where, if Keepalived is terminated on the Master box (the one with the higher priority), the Backup server takes over as the master.…
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IP failover on different subnets

I have two real servers, on different subnets, each one with a permanent IP, and with a failover IP that can be used by either server. The hoster provides an API with which I can assign the failover IP to any of the servers. So I need to run a…
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Keepalived with apache unable to bind interface on Backup server

I have two debian 6 servers running keepalived 1.1.20 with one server acting as a Master and the other as a Backup. Both servers host apache 2.4 that have a global Listener on all interfaces on port 80 (Listen *:80) how ever I have some sites that…
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2 answers

keepalived questions (requirements, abilities, limitations)

1) What are keepalived's (physical/network) requirements? Does the two (or more) keepalived' nodes need to be connected to the same switch? (something related to broadcasting maybe). 2) Can keepalived nodes run on different networks, "internet"…
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Both servers running keepalived become master

After a network failure,both servers running keepalived become master. When the network is reestablished, both keep the MASTER state. What could be causing it? Edited: Another information that might be relevant, each server has two NICs. Here is the…
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Something like VRRP/keepalived without MAC address impact? (RHEL 8)

I am looking to set up a cluster (of two systems) with a VIP, just what keepalived would do. In a different context, I already have keepalived working well. However, our network team told me not to introduce any new VRRP MAC addresses, since it may…
Kevin Keane
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