Questions tagged [ip-blocking]

109 questions
1 answer

Block IPs for some time on HAProxy

I would like to blacklist IPs that are spamming a particular URL, but only for a determined amount of time. let's say 10 minutes. I'm thinking of creating a stick-table, and store the src IP and increment a counter. Once the counter exceed X…
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Block all traffic, except specific domians, by windows server 2008 R2 firewall

I've got a problem, which I didn't find any other way to restrict all the outbound traffic on my server. I have a web service, which is deployed on a server, alone. This is about one month that I get NETSCAN warnings form HETZNER data center. There…
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Files repeatedly downloaded form same IP - suggestions?

I have a few files that can be downloaded from my website. Every few hours all files are downloaded from the same IP address ( - might be Yahoo?). How should I proceed? Should I just block the IP (and hope the downloads are not taken up…
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Automation of blocking IP address

I have an Ubuntu 12.04 machine running Apache2 which hosts about 10 wordpress websites. Recently I have been subjected to attacks from clients which seem to be sending POST requests to a wordpress file called 'xmlrpc.php' The way I block the IP…
Bob Flemming
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Check IP Blocking on Windows Server 2008

When I login to google webmaster tools, from last 5-6 days I am getting error regarding Google connectivity issue. It says googlebot is not able to access the site. When I set User agent in firefox as googlebot and access the site, it works preety…
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Hacking attempt detected, Can we block user by PC-Name

Recently we notied that hackers are trying to hack our server, we have IP blocking softwares installed on our server but the thing is that, hacker is using dynamic ip addresses to try again and again...But we can see he is using the same machine to…
Amit Patil
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Frequent UDP_IN Blocked for Port Scanning

I run a blog self-hosted with Wordpress. I'm getting frequent email notifications from LFD regarding UDP_IN blocks. I usually get 10+ emails daily about it. The email looks like following: Time: IP: Hits: 11 Blocked: Temporary Block Sample of…
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Security risks of allowing incoming traffic as a response of a previous request

I understand that somebody would want to block incoming traffic as a general rule except for public resources. And I also understand that you could want to block all outgoing traffic except for certain external services. But is there any serious…
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Cisco ASA - Unable to create "range" type of network object on 8.2

I'm wanting to block a range of ip addresses on my Cisco ASA 5520 (8.2) using ASDM 6.4. In the help files/cisco documentation, it says, just create a network object with a "range" type, and use that in a blocking access rule... When I'm accessing…
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Block IPs in Local Security Policy

What would be the most efficient way of blocking a list of IPs in Windows 2008's Local Security Policy? Ideally, I would want to block the subnet that the IPs belong to. What IP subnets should I be blocking then?
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Blocking request to port 80 on gateway on Ubuntu

I want to block access to the gateway ( on port 80, to prevent network user from trying to access the router setup. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10
Allyl Isocyanate
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2 answers

How to add iptables ip blocklists to Plesk 10.4.4 (CentOS)?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to add IP blocklists to my Plesk 10.4.4 server (CentOS). It's a simple Virtual Server I recently acquired through my hosting company. I've used .htaccess files in the past to block IP address ranges; IP ranges…
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Should I use my web server firewall to block all traffic from IP addresses that seem to be attempting attacks?

I’ve recently set up a tiny Debian VPS for hosting a couple of personal sites. In the Apache access logs, I’ve noticed quite a few requests for URLs like /phpMyAdmin-2.6.4/scripts/setup.php coming from one particular IP address. The IP address in…
Paul D. Waite
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2 answers

LAN-intern solution for server-side auto-IP-block

We got the problem, that our web server provider blocks our static IP address automatically, when we reach 200 simultaneous connections in the time window of 300 seconds. I'm running an Ubuntu server with an eBox on it, which could work as a gateway…
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Simple and secure way to display error page with IP address of visitor? With python?

Fail2ban is used to block users on certain patterns via reject command. Sometimes, especially when users are behind a NAT with a lot of users they get blocked unintendely. The user then writes an E-Mail and then I ask for his IP-Address to unblock…
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