Questions tagged [ip-blocking]

109 questions
2 answers

Emails from my domain getting blocked at all other domains

Recently I tried to set up a new email server using iRedMail on Lubuntu. The mail server workes very well when email conversation is in the same domain. But when a user tries to send email to some of the most popular domains like gmail, hotmail or…
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2 answers

My bulk email company supresses all hard bounces -even if they get their IP's blocked

I send out about 500,000 emails every week. I have been sending the list out for about 1 year. But in conversation, I was advised that the company sends in a shared IP manner. So my list goes out with gambling and adult emails; and that their IPs…
  • 19
2 answers

block or log IPs that direct access my website (ubuntu , nginx)

The website is under DDOS, the cloud service is doing a pretty good job for a cost of dozen bugs a month. We are happy! However the attackers have been hitting our site with IP. Currently, we 301 forward them to the DNS name (managed by could…
Phung D. An
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1 answer

Can I ping all AWS buckets in the world?

I have 2 questions, Can I ping all the AWS buckets in the world? I would use a simple shell script which will curl with a dictionary of names/number combinations or some other method. Will my IP be blocked if I do this? If so, why? This is not a…
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