Questions tagged [internal-dns]

DNS that is visible within your corporate network and VPN, but which is not visible on the public Internet.

856 questions
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In Nginx what is the resolver directive mechanically doing to avoid errors and warnings?

Environment: Nginx, Node.js I've read the Nginx Docs on Resolver, I understand it's used for DNS and I include it in my config. However I don't entirely understand what it's doing or when and why I need it. In the simplified config below when I turn…
7 answers

What service do you use to manage DNS?

What service do you use to manage your DNS? I don't really want to use the DNS manager that is provided with website hosting company. Is there any reliable and fast DNS manager service? I found a lot while Googling, but I don't know which one I…
2 answers

Can an authorative DNS server be configured to recurse when unable to find record locally?

Hopefully this is possible to do. The question Is it possible to configure a DNS server that is authorative for a given domain, to "fallback" and recurse via Forwarders / Root Hints when it cannot find the record locally? The scenario To give a…
1 answer

Valid SSL certificate for domain/subdomain pointed at a private IP address

This is related to a question I saw here where the OP asks whether you can point an A record to a private IP address. So it seems like you can but I have a further question... If I create the subdomain private on and point this to the…
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Kubernetes Pod DNS Resolution

Currently able to resolve all services to IP addresses and telnet and ping them. Unable to resolve pods to IP addresses. Though can lookup pod IP addresses with kubectl and telnet and ping them. How do I need DNS configured to resolve pods in…
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Split-DNS on Windows

I have an internal network in which all services are registered under a internal domain (e.g.: When users connect to the VPN, I want them to be able to resolve the internal services in *, without having any other "public"…
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Unable to Join domain, unable to resolve hostname

I'm having problems connecting a computer to the domain. I'll explain my setup (with hostnames). I have: Hyper-V Guest 1 (Imperium) - DC / DNS Server (Server 2016 Essentials) Hyper-V Guest 2 (Lima) - Computer I'm trying to add (Server 2016…
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Can Windows 2008 DNS assign 2 host names to one IP address

One of my windows admins claimed: "Windows 2008 DNS server can't assign 2 names to one IP address". Besides the fact that you could use a CNAME to accomplish that, I'm sure (having worked with all sorts of other DNS servers) that it should be…
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Non-secure DNS server - Allow dynamic updates only from DHCP server

I have a standalone DNS server configured for "Secure and Non-Secure" dynamic updates. I also have the DHCP role installed on the same server. How do I ensure that only the DHCP server can update records in DNS? I don't want to allow clients to…
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Samba4 internal DNS and isc-dhcp zone update

Could anybody explain, how to solve this problem with internal samba4 DNS and dynamic zone updates from isc-dhcp? In the logs I have: dhcpd: Unable to add reverse map from to dus-ws-21a.nmedia.local: tsig verify…
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3 answers

Windows DNS: Is there a way to partition a domain based on subnets

In our organization, we have two separate groups which share network address space and a domain. A couple of slices of /24 are allocated to my group, while the rest is allocated to our internal IT team. We do not wish to be able to manage DNS for…
2 answers

How to set up an internal domain with Route53 on AWS?

I have a VPC on Amazon. Currently, it's running bind9 on one of the servers. It has records like this: build IN A dev IN A 172.xx.yy.zz This works fine, but in the interest of simplicity, I…
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How To Properly Setup DNS Forwarders On Windows Server

I was wondering how to properly setup DNS forwarders on Windows Server 2008 R2. I have three Domain Controllers. Each of the DC's have have following: AD Role DNS Role DHCP Role Static IP Address Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64 Bit I noticed under…
1 answer

Ssh can't resolve host name, but the host command can?

I'm having some weird issue that I cannot understand (I'm trying to ssh to alexus and according to ssh it tells me it cannot resolve, yet when i use host to resolve it resolves w/out any issues: mbp:~ alexus$ ssh -v alexus OpenSSH_6.2p2, OSSLShim…
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What would be correct setup procedure for PDNS server?

I am new to the world of DNS servers, but as a part of my current job I should do upgrade on our office network infrastructure. After looking at available options i decided to go with PowerDNS solution PDNS server. Mostly because of easy management…
Alexey Kamenskiy
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