Questions tagged [internal-dns]

DNS that is visible within your corporate network and VPN, but which is not visible on the public Internet.

856 questions
1 answer

How to forward missing DNS names of an existing zone in Windows DNS server?

I have setup DNS records for a public domain (say in my public DNS provider. Among the records, there are some A records of the type * that point to a specific public IP. I need to setup local DNS in my…
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Using PowerShell, in Active Directory, how would I change all the DNS A records that have a given IP to a new IP?

We've been moving data centers and I have a lot of old records that were not correctly but in DNS as CNAME records, but A records that have a direct IP (e.g. 192.168.100.n) and they're all moving to a new subnet (10.19.100.n). I just need to write…
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IP address used by nslookup and ping is different

I have a web server hosted in the network. It has a domain name registered. However, I also host a DNS server for the LAN. So, when someone wants to access the web server, it would check the DNS server and use the internal address 192.168.x.x. The…
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DNS issue for internal website routing internet connection from remote location

I have an issue that I could use some help with. Our company has a main location and a remote location. Previously, the remote location was connected to the main location through an internet connection VPN tunnel. The connection was pitifully slow…
Michael Paul
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Suggestions for transitioning to new GW/private network

I am replacing a private T1 link with a new firewall device with an ipsec tunnel for a branch office. I am trying to figure out the right way to transition folks at the new site over to the new connection, so that they default to using the much…
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Do we need a DNS server when we use OpenDNS?

I am in the process of splitting roles up from one server to 5. The current server is running as a DNS server, among other things. The DNS server just has a forwarder to the OpenDNS IP addresses and the workstations have the IP address of the local…
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Override a DNS record using BIND9?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find any information specific to my case. I run a server where users can connect with a Nintendo DS game if they change their DS' primary DNS server to my box. I'm currently using a simple…
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IPSec tunnel between FortiGate and iPhone / iOS - Works except for DNS / Wins

I have configured my Fortigate with a new VPN IPSec tunnel to allow the iOS Cisco client to connect. That works fine. I can RDP to my servers, browse to my servers via IP address, etc. But, the iPhone does not resolve my internal IP addresses. I…
3 answers

How to request/acquire all records from a DNS?

I want to see what nodes exist under a certain domain from within the domain. Short of querying every valid IP address within that domain, is there a way to get all records/map the network?
Ritwik Bose
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Internal DNS fails when backup DNS goes offline

All machines are running Windows Server 2012. We have a Domain Controller, DC1, that is also our primary DNS server. We have a secondary DNS server, DNS2. All servers and desktops in the environment (60+) use DC1 as their primary DNS. All servers…
Jacob G
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2 answers

dnsmasq: one domain, half private, half public?

Our internal office network has the same top-level domain as our company online presence, e.g. For the outside world, any public hosts (eg.,,, etc.) are configured in the DNS…
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DNS Broken After Enabling Scavenging

Last Friday, I turned on DNS Scavenging on one of my domain controllers. This was done with the goal of removing old unused A records from decommissioned computers. However it turned out that our DHCP(provided by Meraki hardware) was misconfigured…
2 answers

Will No-Refresh Intervals on a DNS server apply if scavenging is not enabled?

I recently inherited a rather messy network. In DNS I've noticed that hundreds of systems have A records older than a year. And after running a script to ping all of them, over half of them are still online. We are not (currently) using DHCP and at…
3 answers

Change to static DNS server on Amazon Linux AMI 2017.03

I'm going crazy because this should be easy especially when following the Amazon documentation. I've been using this reference from Amazon. Just trying to change the DNS servers that an AWS EC2 instance uses to resolve domain names. Edited the…
1 answer

Unbound Syntax Error

I am trying to use unbound to forward requests to a pair of dns servers, while answering a small hand full of queries locally. In testing this out, I have built the following configuration at /etc/unbound/conf.d/ forward-zone: …
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