Questions tagged [init.d]

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

288 questions
1 answer

how to configure service fully stop during shutdown

I'm trying to create script for tomcat with my app as system service it's lika ok I can stop start status and restart. But I need when system going shutdown stop service fully and correctly, my app depend on a lot of resources like network and etc…
Roman Iuvshin
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1 answer

Init script is not printing any output

I am trying to run Supervisor init script downloaded from here: Reading the source, it should print out some output into stdout, but when I run it, it does not print anything and…
Petr Peller
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Insserv rejected the script header

I was trying to make an init script for my debian install for supervisor. insserv: Service \$remote_fs has to be enabled to start service supervisor insserv: Service \$syslog has to be enabled to start service…
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puma init.d for centos 6 fails with runuser: user /var/log/puma.log does not exist

Trying to get a init.d/puma to work on Centos 6. It throws error runuser: user /var/log/puma.log does not exist I run this from the /srv/books/current folder but it fails. I tried to debug the values but not quite get what is missing and why it…
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1 answer

Passing mysql credentials to pt-stalk without having them visible on the command line

I am trying to roll out pt-stalk with an init script, but I'm having a hard time getting the mysql credentials into the script without putting them in the MYSQL_OPTS section for the pt-stalk launch. [Documentation] Normally on the servers we have…
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How to create a init.d script for openssh-server which was compiled and installed from source using configure + make + make install?

I have installed openssh-server in my Ubuntu PC using apt-get install openssh-server. The version is 5.9. Now, I would like to compile and install openssh-server version 6.2 from source codes. I have successfully downloaded the source codes, and run…
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0 answers

Lighttpd init script doesn't work on Debian Wheezy

[EDIT] I have found why it did not work, I just had to add the directive = "/var/run/" to the lighttpd.conf file. I can't figure out why the lighttpd init script doesn't work to stop the server. I'm running…
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1 answer

Configuring OpenLDAP init script on CentOS 6.4

If I just run slapd with no arguments (as root) it starts and works fine. When I try to start it using /etc/init.d/slapd start however, it dies immediately. I see from looking at the init script that there's a configuration file at…
Brad Mace
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1 answer

require a gem in a ruby script fails at boot time

I am booting using a machine using chef. I need it to install a init.d script which it does and when the script is invoked at the end of chef run the script fails on the require 'daemons' line (shown below). I have a print before and after the…
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2 answers

What is the maximum allowable startup time for a daemon startup script?

What is the maximum allowable startup time for a daemon startup script? I do have a tomcat server that takes a lot of time to start and I could include logic inside the startup script to check if the service successfully started or not. Still, I…
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1 answer

Strange behaviour starting process with init script

I'm seeing some strange behaviour when starting a process with an init script. Most likely I am doing something stupid, but perhaps someone could let me know what might cause this behaviour: [Background: the process is mongodb's monogod running as…
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1 answer

Ubuntu Upstart Job to Persist tcp_slot_table_entries Before NFS Mount

NOTE: I'm aware of the question Persistent changes to /proc/sys/sunrpc/tcp_slot_table_entries and while this older question is quite similar, the selected and proposed answers do not work for us, nor do they speak specifically to Upstart. We need a…
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1 answer

Using rc.local to run a command on boot

I am running CentOS and want to execute a command when the system is booted. Reading other posts on ServerFault the recommend file to use is rc.local. However, rc.local exists in both /etc/ and /etc/rc.d/. Which file should I use, and what is the…
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1 answer

Why doesn't "service mysql start" run mysqld_safe?

I've installed mysql on Ubuntu, and the documentation on starting it up says: Invoke mysql.server. This script is used primarily at system startup and shutdown on systems that use System V-style run directories (that is, /etc/init.d and run-level…
Chris B.
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1 answer

A deeper understanding of init.d - what can they call? what's the environment?

I need some education about the init.d system on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit, in my case), I have found hundreds of sites (no I didn't look at them all, but I did read some of them) that tell me how to write an init.d script and how to create the…
Wes Miller
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