Questions tagged [init.d]

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

288 questions
0 answers

What is the benefit of maintaining tags in System V init files?

This page describes tags that can be put into System V init scripts. In RHEL5, chkconfig will parse the chkconfig tag. # chkconfig: 2345 20 80 In RHEL5, what other tools parse and utilize the…
0 answers

"Job failed to start" - Hey but why?

I'm running through an error that's giving me serious headache. Tried to Google for it but all I find is about MySQL which doesn't apply here. I've just updated Node and Ghost (blogging platform) on Ubuntu. Had some major issues to update Node…
1 answer

How to configure a newer version of Supervisord to start on system boot in Ubuntu 12.02?

How do you configure a newer version of supervisor to start on system boot in Ubuntu? Some distributions simply lag behind in their repositories. When I use easy install (as recommended by default on the supervisor website) I only get the binary…
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Trying to get pid from a script running as su -c

I am trying to get these scripts to work in an environment where the java application needs to run as user foobar no matter if it is started as root or foobar. So these are my modifications to the init script, which is symlinked from…
1 answer

name of script within a init script

I have a script /etc/init.d/startup, where I do the following: creating a PID file that should look like: /var/run/**startup**.pid executing a screen of a java process, so I will like to create the screen with the name startup (like this screen…
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Bamboo service does not start on ubuntu server machine reboot/startup

I have set up an instance of bamboo on a local ubuntu server machine. Everything works fine exept for one thing: Bamboo is not started when the server reboots. I have created a script and placed it in /etc/init.d/bamboo. The file has owner root:root…
1 answer

Could not access pid file for elasticsearch

I am not a die-hard linux engineer, but I am having some problems with starting Elastic Search. Some stats: Server: Ubuntu Server 11.04 Elastic Search: 1.2.3 (installed with appitude) When I start Elastic Search it 'starts'without an error: *…
1 answer

How to autostart `ypbind` on Ubuntu 14.04

It seems I need to use sysv-rc-conf to manage service startup/shutdown, but no scripts were added to /etc/init.d/ when I installed NIS. I would expect to either have /etc/init.d/nis or /etc/init.d/ypbind. I installed NIS via apt-get as so: sudo…
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puppet service not stopping service (iptables)

I am trying to use a puppet master 3.1.1 to manage iptables on various servers. My local puppet agent is 2.7.19, the server OS is CentOS 5.4. /etc/puppet/modules/mycompany/manifests/config/iptables.pp class base::iptables ( { { …
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1 answer

Bacula daemon fails to stop or restart

Foreword: I have already resolved this problem and am asking this question to share the solution I've found. Please bear in mind that the problem described here may (or may not) be more generic and could apply not only to Bacula but to other…
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1 answer

Which insserv tags do I have to add to

I have installed insserv on my debian 7 server. When I call insserv I get the error insserv: warning: script '' missing LSB tags and overrides which means, that the tags in my init.d script are missing. Now that script doesn't…
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4 answers

portable daemon management from bash (sysvinit/upstart/systemd)

I have a little shell script which needs to stop a service. This needs to work on ubuntu (14.04), debian and Arch. Right now what I do is similiar to case $(cat /etc/issue) in *Ubuntu*) service command *Debian*) …
1 answer

Recommended way to disable atd (and other unnecessary startup processes) in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

I just spun up a new Ubuntu 14.04 server and have been having a bit of trouble getting the atd daemon to stop auto-launching. There's been a bit of changing around on the management of startup processes, and I've viewed dozens of web pages on…
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How to install NetApp SystemManager as a service under linux?

It seems the NetApp dropped the web interface support some time ago and now they require you to instal and run SystemManager, which happens to be a webserver running on localhost. It seems that their installer does not include any init.d script and…
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Wrong PATH in init script on boot

Since the update of the System on my Synology NAS (x86), I have some problems with my startup scripts. The Bash scripts are stored in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. The scripts were executed for sure, because I have a Server running on root and it's starting…
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