Questions tagged [init.d]

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

288 questions
2 answers

start-stop-daemon saves wrong PID

$ ps aux | grep svn root **4458** ... /usr/bin/svnserve -d -r /var/svn manuel 4466 ... grep --color=auto svn $ sudo kill **4458** $ sudo rm /var/run/ $ sudo start-stop-daemon --start --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/…
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Debian 3.1 (Sarge) init.d boot order

I am using a TS-7800 single board computer from Technologic Systems that ships with Debian 3.1 (Sarge). I have updated it to Squeeze, but due to various driver issues I have been forced to roll back to Sarge. I am attempting to configure the…
Adam Lewis
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1 answer

template / platform for linux shell scripts to init.d scripts

So I got a number of small cronjobs, that needs to run more frequent then a minute. So what I usually do is - create shell script with a while loop and sleep statements in it. And then I run it in a screen session. The problem of course is that it…
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Difference between two ways of installing tomcat as a service (Linux)

I am installing tomcat on a linux server, and would want it to be available as a service. I have found two different ways to achieve this. The first one is to copy the from $CATALINA_HOME/bin to /etc/init.d, and the other one I have seen…
Esa Varemo
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Backup broken PostgreSQL 8.4 without pg_dump

So. I have a problem. PostgreSQL 8.4 won't start or restart without any output given. But it worked for 3 monthes until hosting provider doesn't rebooted server. Now it is completly broken. It wan't start and doesn't give any output or log. pg_dump:…
Daniil Ryzhkov
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2 answers

init.d script not working?

I copied an init script from here quite some time ago to automatically start my tightvncserver at boot. It worked perfectly at the time. Since then, I have reformatted my computer, and now my script doesn't start automatically. If I call…
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2 answers

Why is there a /etc/init.d/mysql file on this Slackware machine? How could it have gotten there?

A client of my IT-consulting service owns a web-development shop. He's been having problems with a Slackware 12.0 server running MySQL 5.0.67. The machine was set up by the client's sysadmin, who left on bad terms. My client no longer employs a…
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4 answers

Init.d script works when run manually, but not on reboot

I'm trying to setup a RhodeCode server on Ubuntu 12.04. I have everything installed into a virtualenv, and everything works properly when I run it from the console (paster serve production.ini). I wrote an init.d script to start it on boot, but it…
Stephen Jennings
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1 answer

Running multiple background Java processes on Linux

I have a jar file that runs continuously and acts on various events. I need to create multiple instances of this jar, passing parameters to it on start up, and have it continue to run between shell sessions, reboots, etc. I'm planning to write an…
1 answer

Both nginx and php5-fpm init.d startup scripts are non-functional and returning no errors..? But they used to work perfectly

I have been using nginx and php5-fpm on my Ubuntu box for a while now. Everything has been configured and setup correctly, and it ran like a charm. I have been keeping the packages updated & upgraded as usual, but haven't touched the nginx OR…
Ollie Treend
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5 answers

apt-get does not remove initscript?

This day I tried to remove apache2. It's bundled with Ubuntu Lucid, which I don't need. I used apt-get remove apache2 to remove it. But somehow, the initscript was still there, in "/etc/init.d/". I tried the apt-get purge command, but the result was…
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1 answer

chkconfig $svc reset does not take effect if executed by higher pri init.d service at boot?

On a centos 6 derivative (Amazon Linux), I have an init.d script ecrinit that is meant to enable/disable some services at system startup (based on contents of a properties file on disk): if [[ "$nodeType" == "foo" ]]; then #turn off mysql, turn on…
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1 answer

Nginx daemon doesn't want to stop on Ubuntu

I've got an Ubuntu 11.04 i386 server with Nginx 1.0.11. I'm also using this init.d script - the only one I've found. The server starts up well, but each time I'm trying to stop or restart it, the operation fails. It's particularly annoying since I'm…
Hubert OG
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4 answers

some startup-scripts are ignored (on debian 6.0)

After updating some stuff on one of my debian-servers it ignores "some" of the scripts it should run at startup (from "init.d"). For example Postfix, Memcached or other daemons are startet, but "Apache2", "Cron" and others are not. I can't find any…
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4 answers

Do service apache2 restart and /etc/init.d/apache2 restart do the same thing?

Do the two different syntaxes do the same thing? $ service apache2 restart $ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
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