Questions tagged [init.d]

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

288 questions
2 answers

Monit restart process behavior

Monit's documentation states the following for the restart action : RESTART restarts the service and send an alert. Restart is performed by calling the service's registered restart method or by first calling the stop method followed by the start…
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Create init.d Apache service for multiple instances on debian

I am trying to install a second instance of apache on debian. I used the multiple instance script. during the installation it says: root@nextcloudpi:/usr/share/doc/apache2/examples# sudo sh setup-instance suitecrm2 Setting up /etc/apache2-suitecrm2…
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type -p java does not work in a init.d script

I am trying to modify /etc/init.d/jenkins script, in order to add my custom java path. My solutions is this: JAVAPATH=$(type -p java) PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$JAVAPATH However, when I start the service and look into the logs, I see…
0 answers

init.d and remote files systems

The Linux Standard Base Core Specification, 22.4. Installation and Removal of Init Scripts says: An init script shall be installed in /etc/init.d (which may be a symbolic link to another location), by the package installer. We have a situation…
Ian W
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init.d kills my mongod process due to respawning

I'm using Ansible to start the mongod service on a Centos 6.8 VM. The task is pretty straightforward: - name: Start mongod service service: state: started name: mongod However the service fails to start, and in /var/log/messages I…
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How do I get init.d to respawn a crashed process if the lock file exists?

I'm running a mongod process on my Centos 6.8 box, and I want to provide some level of resilience in the event of process death. So I created an entry in my /etc/inittab - md:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/mongod To test this, I killed the process, and…
0 answers

Tomcat does not shut down correctly with init.d script on system-shutdown - restart prevented

I want to start Apache Tomcat 7 on my Redhat 7 server (RHEL7) automatically at system startup. In order to do that, I did the following steps: creation of the following init.d script and make it executable (is working fine) place link of the init.d…
1 answer

S6 - slow startup service incorrectly starts second time

I'm using s6 ( in order to supervise processes. I have this working well for hundreds of processes across dozens of docker instances and servers. I have a new problem on an otherwise stable system. I set up a…
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Centos wont create init.d startup files

recently i installed vnstat on my fresh linux machine. so after installing it with yum install vnstat , before it i installed epel! so now i cant start it: service vnstat start error: unrecognized service i have tired searching a little then i found…
2 answers

Can't get init.d or network/if-up.d scripts to start

I'm running debian (latest version i believe), and I just can not get my script to run at boot. I've enabled it with update-rc.d, and tried saving it to /etc/network/if-up.d but it just won't start. When I run it manually it works fine. Can anyone…
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What is the minimal init.d script for Ubuntu?

I have a small Python-based server program that runs fine, but I want launched each time the server is rebooted. What is the least that I need to put into an /etc/init.d script to work? I only care about "stop" and "start" (and thus probably the…
Paul Hoffman
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3 answers

Command shows different results when I login as a user vs su to the user

I'm trying to run a simple command from an init.d script and I'm troubleshooting why the command doesn't work when I run it from my init.d script but works when I run it as my user. Can someone explain why when I run nvm --version as my logged in…
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init.d script getting error

First of all sorry for my bad english Ok, i wrote a init.d script and i don't know its true or false (i am new at this things) #!/bin/sh . /etc/init.d/someserver start () { echo -n $"Starting someserver.jar: " java -jar…
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1 answer

Auto starting rc at startup

So here are the steps i am following . So i add a conf file inside /etc/init.d/myconffile And then to get System start/stop links i have to use the command sudo update-rc.d myconffile defaults 99 2 3 4 5 And then if i reboot Ubuntu server the…
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lumberjack shipper init script

I'm using lumberjack shipper for logstash. I'm in need of init.d script to start lumberjack on centos system. I have the script for debian based systems but can't get one on Centos to work. I have this script right now: #!/bin/sh # # …
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