Questions tagged [init.d]

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

288 questions
2 answers

Unable to get Webmin or Vboxdrv to auto start on boot

Ever since installing Ubuntu 10.04 I've had issues getting things to auto-start. I have installed webmin and VirtualBox but every time I reboot I have to manually run: sudo /etc/init.d/webmin start sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start I have run: sudo…
1 answer

systemd failing enable with "service is transient or generated". What's wrong with this configuration?

In General I've been scouring the web looking for actually helpful documentation about systemd and this error, but the majority of it has been troubleshooting niche cases or goes into such extreme detail that the information is useless. I'm trying…
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init script for zookeeper

i have seen that the developers of zookeeper have a great script to start,stop, restart etc zookeeper, but i have no idea why in the world they decided to skip init script to use. With the script no way to set zookeeper to…
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1 answer

Does systemd allow for functionality like authbind? Where you can allow a non-root user to bind to a priv port?

Does systemd allow for functionality like authbind? Where you can allow a non-root user to bind to a priv port? I looked through the manpage and did quite a bit of googling, couldn't find an answer. Thank you!
1 answer

systemctl unable to start red5 init.d script on ubuntu 16.04

I tried to build and install systemd script for red5-server on ubuntu 16.04 server. I found the sample init.d script at and downloaded I named the script with and added to…
Sencer H.
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0 answers

Debian 8/init.d: start daemon after "$named" is ready

I am trying to start a init.d daemon on Debian 8 after network and DNS is up and running. That's the script I am using: ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: local_daemon # Required-Start: $all $local_fs $remote_fs $network $named $time…
2 answers

Systemd PHP start script Centos 7

I have a PHP script I'm trying to create a service for. I've created the service however I can't get it to start. The weird thing is, the exact same service UNIT works on my other server of the same setup. The PHP script is set to be ran daemonized…
Panama Jack
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0 answers

Start script are not cleared table of processes

I have a proxy server, all ok. But, i have some problems & questions. First: when i make "/etc/init.d/nginx stop" or "/etc/init.d/nginx restart", of my config, it not reload and all nginx process are not killed. My script: case "$1" in start) echo…
0 answers

Nginx at startup does not have fd limit set in /etc/security/limits.conf

I have the following configuration for increasing the number of file descriptors available to processes of all users. cat /etc/security/limits.conf * hard nofile 65536 * soft nofile 65536 When the machine starts up, nginx is set to start as a…
0 answers

Writing custom init script for supervisord

I am using supervisord to control my processes on Amazon Linux. I want to make use of supervisorctl inside my init script. I have the following so far. #!/bin/sh # # /etc/rc.d/init.d/supervisord # # Supervisor is a client/server system that # allows…
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1 answer

Run command in screen when LSB initscript stopped

I'm trying to get a Bukkit server to run inside a screen as a service, started from an LSB script but I cant get it to stop correctly. What I essentially want it to do is reattach the screen and send a 'stop' command to the server console so it…
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2 answers

Running a service as root in RHEL 6

I am trying to force Kibana to listen on port 80 therefore it needs to run as root. How can I do this? The init script is as follows: #!/bin/sh # Init script for kibana # Maintained by # Generated by pleaserun. # Implemented based on LSB Core 3.1: #…
Iokanaan Iokan
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How to display init output to tty7 (or main tty)

I have created my first init script in a linux server (ubuntu if that adds any information) that checks for an update, downloads it and executes it in each hour. The init file is as follows: /etc/init/updater.conf start on (filesystem and stopped…
Blue Genie
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1 answer

Order of services using systemd and legacy init.d services

On my Fedora 23 system a database is started by systemd. Another service (hive-metastore) that depends on that database ist started through a init.d script. I'am unclear about what would be the correct way to make those services start in the right…
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3 answers

Mounting multipath devices by UUID in fstab

I have several multipath iSCSI LUN's formatted as ocfs2 filesystems. They are part of an Ubuntu 14.04 cluster using local heartbeat. This all appears to be working fine if I mount them manually after rebooting. If I try to automatically mount them…