Questions tagged [indexing]

94 questions
2 answers

Do I need to index a column that is an FK to a PK in a different table in sql server 2008?

I have a table that has fairly heavy queries. The column I am joining on is an FK to a PK in another table. This column seems to take up of the query time with a table scan which leads me to believe that SQL Server won't be able to use the index on…
Stewart Robinson
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count.index for dictionary in Ansible

Is it possible to auto generate the vm10,vm11,vm12 in the below script (as count.index used in terraform) ? I would like to pass/define name "vm" and should be able to deploy 3 vm's with the different names vm10, vm11 and vm12. Please suggest a way,…
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How to block crawlers like google from indexing gitlab?

How can I block any crawlers to access anything on gitlab? there should be a robots.txt or something similar to tell not to crawl. That would be good as a first step. But the more important thing, how can I tell gitlab only authenticated access is…
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Apache autoindex showing empty file list

I'm trying to enable directory listing for a folder outside the web root that uses Basic Authentication, but I'm getting an empty list and no logged errors. What's strange is that if I put in the known location of a file under this directory in my…
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Windows search cannot find files in current directory

We have a windows server 2012 r2 that has the file server role and windows search installed. The drives with the shared folders are indexed and the shares folders are mapped on all clients. I can search the mapped drive for some files but it does…
0 answers

How to search for all files owned by a particular user in SAN

My question might be confused you but honestly that very straight forward. I have a SAN with many terabytes of data. All users have their own home directory or share directory on that (And most connections handles with NFS). I am looking for a…
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How does rebuilding partitioned table index affect table access?

RDBMS: SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition I have a table with 1 billion rows. What I would like to do is to vertically partition it with a partition function and apply a partition scheme with the function on a table, say BigTable with ID column as a…
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Nginx + PHP index.php not found 404

I'm running debian 9 with nginx 12 and php7.1 I've set evrrything up. Nginx does not give me anything in error log, all the PHP scripts are working 100% fine. Nginx indexes index.html as index but DOES NOT find index.php and returns 404, even though…
Jezis Marja
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Server 2012 indexing

we are encountering an issue where an Index file keeps growing indefinite until the special partition for it becomes full and causes it to be come corrupted, which the indexer then deletes and rebuilds. From my understanding the indexing file should…
1 answer

Windows Server 2008 Not finding recently added files

Recently I am having an issue at work where users cannot search for PDF's added from January of this year and on. I have all the folders indexed, I have tried installing the File Indexing and the Windows Search server roles and I have checked that…
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indexing a ~3gb database into elasticsearch: how?

I have a new database of 2 million records (around 3gb when dumped json) produced every several days. I want to quickly put it into ElasticSearch. That's what I do right now: Create a new index and set up a couple of mapping that I want Set…
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Exchange 2013 has stopped indexing mail on a specific date

A problem has recently occured where no ones mail is being indexed any more. Everyone can search their mail up until early December and then it just stopped. When you go to the Indexing options on someones Outlook it recognises there are messages to…
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What is the effect of disabling the index on a Exchange 2010 database on various clients?

My E2010 database is 435GB, and we are running out of disk space on the database LUN and I'm looking for ways to reclaim this space in an efficient manner. Right now I'm moving mailboxes, but I don't think (in SP2) the space is reclaimed until a…
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1 answer

prevent search engines indexing depending on domain

We have a dedicated server with a hosting company with a couple of dozens of webs in it. It happens that the nameservers (EG:, ip's are coincident with some client webs, let's say and…
Javi Prieto
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1 answer

How to create non-clustered indexes on a SQL Server 2008 database? Preferably without code?

I would appreciate help on how to create non-clustered indexes on a SQL Server 2008 database without using code--or rather, 'statically' once and for all prior to running any SQL queries (that probably does not make sense, but my point being I don't…
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