Questions tagged [indexing]

94 questions
1 answer

WHM: Globally change Indexing to be None and request passwords via HTTP window

I am using WHM. I want to set the default behaviour for any created accounts to be No-Indexing. Also, when an account accesses CPanel, I want it to be shown the HTTP prompt for user and password instead of the HTML form. How can I do that please?
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Mac indexed search of a SMB connected mount?

Is there any free or inexpensive software, such as "advanced network search," "IBM Omnisearch," "Google search appliance," that will provide a web page in which our mac users can instant search our SMB windows server 2003 shared drive? PLEASE HELP!
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Google desktop on Server - indexing takes a long time

How is your experience of Google desktop on server? My server is relatively slow (quite slow actually). I have installed Google desktop to speed up the search process. It started indexing a week ago. It quickly started to 6% complete, then slowly…
Savage Garden
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1 answer

where should my index.html be? django

I have a friend working with me preparing some web services in a virtual server of mine, he is in a different time zone, and can't talk to him right now, i have access to the server, with ssh, sftp i need to upload a file to the folder where…
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