Questions tagged [indexing]

94 questions
2 answers

When is an index not worth updating

is there an accepted ratio of reads to writes that makes an index worthwhile or is it less cut and dried than that? I am using this: WITH UnusedIndexQuery ( Object_ID, ObjectName, IndexName, Index_ID, Reads, Writes, Rows ) AS ( SELECT …
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4 answers

Recommended SSD Setup

I'm building a new server which will be running a text search service for our online web services. This service requires fast IO so I am trying to further reduce any potential bottlenecks. I would love to hear some recommendations on SSD's (or…
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Getting Google Custom Search to index your site

I've just implemented this site. I'm trying to get Google Custom Search to work for my site but am coming up short. I've done a couple of things: Added "" as a site in the control panel and set "Dynamically extract links…
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mongorestore with indexing in foreground

I need to restore huge dump taken with mongodump utility. As the collections are big and mongorestore rebuilds indexes in backround, index building takes very long to finish. What I want is to somehow make mongorestore to build indexes in foreground…
Abhay PS
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Windows Search service, mixed clients - what to choose?

I have been given the task to implement the traditional Windows 2008 R2 Search services on an existing Win2008 R2 file server. Sure, no problem I was thinking, just add the role service and then it should be a walk in the park. Then I discovered…
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Windows 7 clients can't search indexed files on Server 2008 R2 file server

I've been having problems getting Windows Search Service on our file server to provide our Windows 7 clients with searching capability of the indexed files on the server. I've got the Windows Search Service working fine (searches work on the…
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Disabled Apache Directory Indexing not applied recursively, is my config or understanding in error?

I'm running Apache(2) on Debian. I want to disable automatic indexing in the /var/www dir and any subdirectories thereof. In /etc/apache2/conf.d I put a file with the following contents: Options -Indexes I was…
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4 answers

mysql 5.0.23 vs 5.5 performance benefits and upgrade issues?

I have been told that mysql 5.5 has a significant performance boost compared to 5.0 Our server handles a lot of data (around 30 million records processed per 5-10 seconds) and requires every drop of performance boost we can give. Will it be…
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3 answers

How remove/de-index a page from Google?

On the results page when I Google "e-luminate", the 3rd and 4th link seems to point to specific directory deep within the folders which stores the images. How can I get rid of these 2 results from Google search results? How can I get Google to…
Weng Fai Wong
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1 answer

Mysql auto_increment reset WITHOUT rebuilding index?

There just HAS to be a way to reset the auto_increment value on a table without rebuilding the entire index. I have a table with over 2 billion rows in it that accidentally got an ID inserted into it near 4.2 billion. From past experience I know…
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1 answer

Create Postgres index on RDS is far slower than a weaker linux host

Background: Postgres 10.9 DB runs as a docker container on the dev hosts. (t3.large, gp2 500GB storage) DB runs in RDS for staging and production. (m5.2xlarge, gp2 1TB storage) Everything works great, been like that a long time, and my db alter…
Rino Bino
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2 answers

Suggested indexes

I am new to indexing in general and have just started learning about query plans etc. I am working on this one specific query that keeps advising me to create the following index: CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [] ON…
Owain Esau
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How do I remove unindexed files from an NTFS system, without unmounting the disk?

I have accidentally created a giant, unindexed, file on an NTFS system and I am trying to remove it. CHKDSK appears to require the disk to be unmounted before the file can be reindexed (and eventually removed). Is there any way to achieve the same…
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1 answer

Windows index search on Server 2012 R2 fails randomly

To put it short, the file server's index would fail randomly. The file server has Windows Search service enabled and indexed. There are many clients connected to this server, possibly up to 100. The client Windows (7/10) machines would fail to…
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1 answer

Delay index build until SQL Server table load is complete with SSIS

I have a large table that I am updating. Is it possible to disable index updates on the destination table until the load is complete? It seems like a waste for it to be constantly updating the index with each commit. I can just drop and recreate…
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