Questions tagged [iis-6]

IIS 6.0 is the version of IIS shipped with Windows Server 2003. It uses an architecture substantially different from IIS 5 and earlier versions, called Worker Process Isolation Mode.

IIS 6.0 is the version of IIS shipped with Windows Server 2003. It uses an architecture substantially different from IIS 5 and earlier versions, intended to increase security and performance, called Worker Process Isolation Mode.

Key changes from IIS 5.0:

  • Uses HTTP.SYS as a fast, secure kernel-mode listener, cache, and correctness parser for HTTP requests - instead of InetInfo, which ran ISAPIs and user code as LocalSystem
  • Isolates all user web code into low-privileged processes, which run as Network Service by default
  • Introduces the concept of an Application Pool; Application Pools group IIS applications into worker processes, which helps Admins isolate failures to specific processes and not the whole server (as was the case with InetInfo / Low-isolation applications in IIS 5 and earlier)
  • Introduces the Web Service Extension list, which restricts arbitrary executable code
  • Uses a central App Pool manager service, W3ADM, which monitors the health of App Pools and recycles them when needed.
996 questions
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We have a server with the following spec: Intel Dual Core, 4GB. We have MainEnable, Coldfusion, PHP, ASP and Mysql running on same server. We have about 500+ emails account for Mail Enable. We have about 91 domains. I need to find out what is the…
3 answers

IIS 6: Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

I've set up a site within IIS with default settings. I consitently get "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname). I get it from a client, or even while browsing from IE on the server. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
Travis Johnson
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Website not available after publishing

We use Windows 10 with IIS10 for developing my webapps in Visual Studio 2019. Now I've published my working dev site to the production server running IIS 6.2 on Windows Server 2012. However, when started, the site isn't available, not even if I…
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How should Symantec Endpoint Protection be set up on an IIS 6 web and SQL 2008 server

We have a small server running a couple of internal classic asp and .net websites. SQL 2008 is also installed on this box. How should Endpoint Protection be configured to not screw with the normal functioning of the apps?
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Replace IIS certificate in IIS version 6.1

I wanted to change a certificate, the certificate is in an IIS v6.1. I went to IIS management console and issued a new Certificate Request, the certification autority then elaborated my request and sent me back 4 files crt. lets say that the…
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IIS 6 Application Pool Identity permissions

Other questions have touched on this, but let's get a complete answer down: What specific permissions are necessary for a generic IIS 6 site with a domain user as the app pool identity? What specific permissions are necessary for an ASP.NET IIS 6…
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Unable to Configure IIS in Windows Server 2008 R2

I am trying to install IIS in Windows Server 2008 R2 ,But facing with below error .An can one help me in knowing what's the issue is for and how can I solve this.
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IIS 6 ASP encoding setting

I migrated an ASP site from a Win2008R2 server running IIS 6.1 to a Win2012 server running IIS 6.1. The IIS site settings did not migrate so easily. One thing I just can't solve: When I send Arabic characters through ASP and into an MS SQL sproc…
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404 on .cshtml files (IIS 6.0)

I'm trying to get an ASP.NET WebPages (Not MVC) site up and running with IIS 6, but I can't get it to serve .cshtml pages - It just spits back a 404 error every time. I've confirmed that it can serve plain .html pages with no problem. So far, I've…
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IIS - Overuse of memory is normal?

I have two servers running applications. Sometimes applications are too slow and memory usage seems exaggerated. Specifications: SERVER #1 OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 Memory: 4GB Processor: Intel Xeon L5520 2.27GHz Number of pools in IIS:…
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SMTP , they are hacking my server spammed?

2013-04-15 18:12:55 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 ADSERVER - 25 - - 0 0 28 0 359 SMTP - - - - 2013-04-15 18:12:55 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 ADSERVER - 25 MAIL -…
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what is the way to remove the REFERRER header that sent by IIS?

I have an IIS-6 and i want to find a way that the server do not send REFERRER header response. How can i do it ? 10x
haim evgi
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IIS manager. Open web site outside the server computer

Possible Duplicate: Is it Possible to view my apache server (local host) from home or remote computer that is outside my LAN? Today i cofigured web server on Windows server 2003 i uploaded my site on C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mysite local host working…
2 answers

Passive FTP Server Port Configuration Troubles Win2003

Win2003 Ports 20 & 21 are open IIS6 - Direct Metabase Edit enabled Configured FTP service passive range to 5500-5550 5500-5550 added to windows firewall iisreset and double checked by restarting ftp service nothing has changed, when I connect and…
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Remove all HTTP bindings from an IIS 6 site while leaving SSL bindings

We have a (remote, via a reseller) customer who configured their IIS6 server to not have any port 80 HTTP bindings, only port 443 SSL bindings. We would like to reproduce this without going through the three layers (!) to get to the customer to…
MikeBaz - MSFT
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