Questions tagged [icinga2]

Icinga2, the next generation, complete rewrite, of the Nagios fork Icinga, is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting.

Icinga 2 manages monitoring tasks, running checks, sending alert notifications. The Icinga 2 features can be enabled on-demand, be it default features such as the 'checker' or 'notification' component, or external interfaces compatible with Icinga 1.x and its user interfaces, for example the IDO DB (Icinga Data Out Database). Icinga 2 ships a built-in cluster stack secured by SSL x509 certificates attempting to make distributed monitoring setups more easy.

The configuration syntax is different to Icinga Core 1.x and Nagios and requires a migration on upgrade.

89 questions
1 answer

Using the service.check_command variable in Icinga2 action_url query string

I'm trying to make an action_url which will dynamically link from IcingaWeb2 to Grafana graphs. I have it working up to a point, but I'd like to add another variable...the $SERVICECHECKCOMMAND$ service.check_command variable, and it's not…
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3 answers

SELinux blocks nrpe access to MariaDB

I have a few virtual machines in the same LAN monitored by Icinga2 via NRPE. [Machine A] CentOS 6 Icinga2. [Machine B] CentOS 6 MariaDB v10.1.12 properly running Datadir and socket settings in…
Ciprian Stoica
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1 answer

icinga2, pnp4nagios error: "RRDs::create ERROR you must define at least one Round Robin Archive"

I can't get pnp4nagios to work with icinga2 on ubuntu 14.04 using the latest commit of the chef-icinga2 cookbook. I set pnp=true in my wrapper cookbook and the icinga2::server_pnp recipe runs…
Peter M
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Passing SSH flags to Icinga2 by_ssh plugin

I'm following this guide to use by_ssh on icinga2 instead of NRPE: The problem I have this that when executing a nagios plugin remotely over SSH i'm getting 'stdin: is not…
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1 answer

Using Ansible to add Icinga2 agent to master node

I want to use Ansible to add Icinga2 passive monitoring for my hosts with agent monitoring. I have a single master node and am not using satellites yet. I've had some success in setting up the client side thanks to this answer and this old post on…
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1 answer

Multiple HTTP checks per host with Icinga2

What is best practice for configuring multiple HTTP checks for a host? I know there is that "apply" method: apply Service "http" for (http_vhost => config in host.vars.vhosts) { ... } But i do also need the "http_uri" value?! How to do this via…
1 answer

icinga2: nrpe check_service gives server wrong result

I'm trying to get some third-party and my own custom checks running. The current test setup consists of one icinga(web)2 CentOS 7 server and one CentOS 7 client with NRPE installed within the same network and firewalld has been disabled. The…
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1 answer

Configured repository failed for Icinga2 on Amazon Linux EC2

added the epel release repo and the Icinga2 repo into my instance based on this guide while installing Icinga2 with sudo yum install icinga2 i am getting [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404…
1 answer

Is there a simple way to configure Icinga2 notifications so they are sent only after an initial UP state?

We are trying to be more systematic in our monitoring and we have not found a simple way to ignore notifications regarding a service that is not yet in production. What could be the best approach to only send notifications when state is unknown or…
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Icinga2 disk check - suppressing testing for some dirs

Certain app creates a directory that a root cannot access (see Getting info about a weird directory) and Icinga2 instance running on that host creates useless alerts about it: disk on homehost.dom is CRITICAL! Info: DISK CRITICAL -…
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2 answers

Can't finish icinga2 set-up via web wizard

I've been installing Icinga2 on my openSUSE Tumbleweed system with following package versions: icinga2-2.10.1-2.1.x86_64 php7-7.2.11-1.3.src and I'm stuck on the following web site of the setup wizard: When I click on button Next, there's no…
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1 answer

Does it make sense to monitor free memory and CPU usage on servers?

I am monitoring my servers infrastructure using Icinga2 with some master/satellite configurations. On Linux and Windows hosts I am monitoring the defaults system metrics like CPU usage and free system memory. On worker nodes, these values often can…
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1 answer

Icinga 2 check_logfiles with Agent on Windows

I'd like to add a check_logfiles command on a windows machine. Do I have to use the NSClient++ or is it possible to do this with the Icinga 2 Client wich is already installed? I configured the Service and the check_command on my satellite. But I get…
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Is there a way for an Icinga2 host to be both master and satellite?

Is there a way for an Icinga2 host to be both master and satellite? I want to set it up in a way that two masters monitor each other in case one shuts down.
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2 answers

Using Icinga 1 object configuration files with Icinga 2

Icinga 2 introduced a new format for its object configuration files. Where Icinga 1 e.g. expected define service { name my_service # ... } Icinga 2 now expects object Service "my_service" { # ... } Is there a reliable automatic way for…
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