Questions tagged [icinga2]

Icinga2, the next generation, complete rewrite, of the Nagios fork Icinga, is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting.

Icinga 2 manages monitoring tasks, running checks, sending alert notifications. The Icinga 2 features can be enabled on-demand, be it default features such as the 'checker' or 'notification' component, or external interfaces compatible with Icinga 1.x and its user interfaces, for example the IDO DB (Icinga Data Out Database). Icinga 2 ships a built-in cluster stack secured by SSL x509 certificates attempting to make distributed monitoring setups more easy.

The configuration syntax is different to Icinga Core 1.x and Nagios and requires a migration on upgrade.

89 questions
0 answers

Show offline hosts as OK

In Icingaweb2 I'd like to show some unreachable hosts as OK (green), while only performing dependent checks on each of these hosts when the respective host is available. Some background: I'm using Icinga2 with IcingaWeb2 in our company. I have…
0 answers

icinga2 agent on hosts

I've heard that it's possible to "install" an agent on hosts and let them collect data to be sent to icinga2. If that is true, how? A detailed documentation would be helpful. It's just that I would like to check the option of PUSH information to a…
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Is there a way to get the plugin output of icinga2 on the commandline?

With icinga2 one can use icingacli monitoring list to get the monitoring results on the commandline. I'm looking for the detailed output of the plugins/services (shown in icinga2 as 'plugin output', in icinga1 as 'status information').
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How to make icinga plan a active check every night?

I have a test to make on a server which takes some time. I would like the test to get planned every nights between 3h and 5h AM. In addition user may launch the test during the day. Is it possible with Icinga2?
MUY Belgium
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Nagios Plugin API: return N results, not just one

I love the nagios plugin API. It is easy and successful. The exit-status of the check can have these values: 0: ok 1: WARN 2: ERR 3: Unkown See: AFAIK there is a…
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Icingaweb2 mysql-ido setup warning: safe to proceed?

I'm doing a test run of Icinga2 as a replacement for my shop's Nagios system, but like many others I've run into some trouble with the set-up of the web ui. It's at the database setup, which seems to be especially troublesome if you're running…
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How to stop checks during scheduled down time in Icinga?

When I set a scheduled down time in Icinga, the program continues to perform checks on the remote system. How can I define a scheduled downtime in which the checks are disabled?
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2 answers

Icinga2 : Installation Error date.timezone is not defined

Installation of Icinga2 Monitoring Tools on Ubuntu 14.04 I am not able to complete my installation. I am getting the Error "The PHP config `date.timezone' is not defined." I did the changes on /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini date.timezone =…
Vikee Kumar
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0 answers

Icinga2: How to do notification in waves?

I am currently setting up my Icinga2 in a new structure and wanted to add a few features. I am done with 90% but I miss exactly one feature: Notify me in a wave. Let me explain: Whenever an error happens I am wanting the following…
1 answer

Can icingaweb2 authenticate users using LDAP and database?

I chose to use LDAP (Active Directory) as the authentication method to my new Icinga2 server (and it's working) but I don't want to rely on AD for the Icinga administrative accounts. Can I authenticate a few admin users locally (using MySQL) while…
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2 answers

ICINGA2 - Edit Windows plugins output

I have installed ICINGA2 Server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Now I added 3 Windows hosts to monitoring and everything works fine, but I also configured UPTIME and MEMORY services for my new Windows hosts. I works properly but plugin check_uptime return…
0 answers

icinga2 to monitor ipsec tunnel on a satelite server

I'm just starting out using icinga2 to monitor some servers. I've managed to set up the hosts I'm monitoring using the node wizard and have the basic stuff working. I'm now trying to get a test in place where I'm testing a IPSec tunnel on the…
Peter Nunn
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1 answer

Icinga2 : Apt check notification

I got one question related to following facts : On my server with icinga2 installed (with icinga2-web), I receive some critical notifications each 30min despite the fact that all packages are uptodate. On the conf.d/apt.conf, I changed…
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icinga2/icinga2web create a hostgroup

I'm having a hard time understanding how to create a hostgroup and add nodes to it. I was trying to look at the documentation but, it does not explain where this needs to be done and if either in master and node or just one. I want to create a group…
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1 answer

Icinga2 : Hosts in downtime

How to find a host in downtime in icinga2 using api or from mysql database. I have tried using below api, but its not displaying there. curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -k -u root:icinga 'https://localhost:5665/v1/objects/hosts?'
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