Questions tagged [nrpe]

NRPE - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor, used to remotely execute Nagios plugins.

NRPE allows you to remotely execute Nagios plugins on other Linux/Unix machines. This allows you to monitor remote machine metrics (disk usage, CPU load, etc.). NRPE can also communicate with some of the Windows agent addons, so you can execute scripts and check metrics on remote Windows machines as well.

165 questions
20 answers

NRPE unable to read output, but why?

I have this problem with NRPE, all the stuff I've found so far on the net seems to point me at things I've already tried. # /usr/local/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H nrpeclient gives NRPE v2.12 as expected. Running the command by hand (as defined in…
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4 answers

Nagios remote monitoring: NRPE Vs. SSH

We use Nagios to monitor quite a few (~130) servers. We monitor CPU, Disk, RAM and a few other things on each server. I've always used SSH to run the remote commands, purely because it requires little to no additional config on the remote server,…
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1 answer

Systemd PrivateTmp=true security implications

I monitor the available disk space on Ubuntu servers using Nagios Core, NRPE and check_disk. With previous Ubuntu versions, I used to get an output similar to this: DISK OK - free space: / 43754 MB (80% inode=86%): On Ubuntu 18.04.1, instead, I…
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1 answer

NRPE and Perl - cannot include ANYTHING or it breaks

I've been banging my head off NRPE and Perl for weeks now. I decided to start from absolute first principles, and create a dummy nagios plugin that does nothing but always returns OK. I called it, installed it on the remote server and…
Bart B
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2 answers

Best practices for monitoring a JIRA installation?

One of my clients has a confluence / JIRA system set up. They've been having some issues- outbound email gets wedged, etc. If you support a JIRA install, what do you monitor? Do you use JMX? Direct DB queries? Occasional SOAP requests to the…
Tim Howland
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4 answers

Nagios - Could not complete SSL handshake

I'm trying to configure Nagios command for checking status of physical memory on a remote Windows host using NRPE plugin. I'm using Nagios v3.0.6 on Ubuntu Server v14.10, and latest stable version of NSClient++ 0.4.3. Here are the snippets from the…
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6 answers

nrpe: Host is not allowed to talk to us

I installed nrpe on new servers. Nagios is already running and checking other server (I haven't installed). I've got several error lines in my syslog file : Oct 31 15:17:01 myservername nrpe[41848]: Host nagios_ip is not allowed to talk to us! My…
5 answers

Nagios: NRPE: Unable to read output, Can't find the reason, can you?

I have a Nagios server and a monitored server. On the monitored server: [root@Monitored ~]# netstat -an |grep :5666 tcp 0 0* LISTEN [root@Monitored ~]# locate…
Itai Ganot
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3 answers

Check if puppet agent is up to date

I would like to check with my nagios monitoring if every node use current catalog version provided by puppetmaster. In my situation, there are: puppetmaster host1 host2 hostX I would like to create nrpe plugin on host1, host2, hostX to: Check…
Tomasz Olszewski
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4 answers

NRPE and the $USER1$ variable

I have NRPE daemons running on all of my remote Linux boxes. I have a couple configurations in place and I'm trying to standardize the paths in my nrpe.cfg. The changes are deployed via Puppet. I would like to use the following…
Tim Brigham
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2 answers

Nagios NRPE check_procs reporting incorrect number

I have an etch nagios server (I will call this NagiosServer), successfully monitoring lots of stuff, including another etch server (MonitorEtch). Using check_nrpe and check_procs I'm able to check the process list for running daemons such as…
Nick Sturgess
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4 answers

SELinux prevents Nagios plugins from running on RHEL6

After installing Nagios NRPE & Nagios Plugins, I'm getting the following entry in my rsyslog: May 13 14:01:30 wcmisdlin02 kernel: type=1400 audit(1305309690.482:2334): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=3835 comm="sh" path="/usr/bin/sudo" dev=dm-0…
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5 answers

nagios Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SNMP)

I have an odd problem. I'm trying to install nagios NRPE but it keeps failing with nagios-plugins-1.4.15-2.el5.rf.i386 from rpmforge has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SNMP) is needed by package…
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5 answers

Is there a Nagios plugin that uses Nmap and does port checking?

I need to monitor open and closed ports on dozens of hosts. I've found a Nagios plugin that does what I need, but I would have to use this script through NRPE. Some of the hosts are powered by Linux and they all have Perl installed. But some of them…
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1 answer

NRPE unable to read output - tried recommended troubleshooting in docs

I know this is a very common error where RTFM is usually the correct answer, but, I think I've covered all the obvious points. NRPE is running as the user nagios When I use sudo su - nagios to become the nagios user, and copy and paste in the…
Bart B
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