Questions tagged [icinga2]

Icinga2, the next generation, complete rewrite, of the Nagios fork Icinga, is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting.

Icinga 2 manages monitoring tasks, running checks, sending alert notifications. The Icinga 2 features can be enabled on-demand, be it default features such as the 'checker' or 'notification' component, or external interfaces compatible with Icinga 1.x and its user interfaces, for example the IDO DB (Icinga Data Out Database). Icinga 2 ships a built-in cluster stack secured by SSL x509 certificates attempting to make distributed monitoring setups more easy.

The configuration syntax is different to Icinga Core 1.x and Nagios and requires a migration on upgrade.

89 questions
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Clicking on Feature Commands doesn't work Icinga2 2.7.1

I'm logged into an Icinga master (Icingaweb2 http interface) as an administrator with "Allow everything (*)" permissions yet when I try to disable passive checks by clicking the Passive Checks checkbox the web interface throws an error: icinga2:…
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icinga2 service dependency check

I have a very simple use case where I want to disable my check_cert service when httpd service is down. This is my httpd service template: apply Service "httpd" { import "generic-service" check_command = "check_httpd_service" command_endpoint…
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Turn off a check on one host in icinga2

I'm trying to turn off the http check for one host in my icinga2 setup. I'm new to this and am just going around in circles. I'm using the standard install and have it successfully running against a number of linux sattelite machienes happily, but a…
Peter Nunn
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hide "Recently Recovered Services" from "Current Incidents" dashboard in Icingaweb2

All we want to see is critical issues and warnings in the default dashboard. We don't care about seeing recently recovered anything. Do I need to install Dashing for this sort of thing?
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Change state to Host down after x hours in icinga2

we are monitoring servers with Icinga2. It is not critical for us that a host of a specific host group is down for 5 hours. Is it possible to configure a delay for changing the host down state? It would be perfect if the state changes to warning…
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If my master zone is not named "master" should my client zones.conf contain the zone "master"?

My Icinga2 master zone (parent zone of all my other zones) is named "core" so I'm wondering whether the zones.conf files on my Icinga2 client machines should ever contain references to "master." Here's an example of a client zone.conf file. object…
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Can I send check scripts from master to clients and maintain the execute bit with Icinga2?

I believe that I have succesfully configured Icinga 2 on Debian 9 (Stretch) using the stock Debian packages with the "Top Down Config Sync" mode as described in the Icinga documentation. I have installed icinga2 and monitoring-plugins-basic on the…
Mike Crowe
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Icinga2 conditional logic

I have four device types: apache11, apache12, apache22 and apache24. The first two use password "4597" and the second two use password "9634." All of these webservers have the same admin user, "kingfish." Here's the logic I thought should…
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Icinga2 - ExternalCommands filling my DB

Today I noticed all external commands received goes to the IDO, myicinga_externalcommands table on Postgres is over 350Gb (probably around 98% of DB). As you may have guess, my setup is a bit particular and receives A LOT of external commands, and I…
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icinga2 checks pending forever

I have a simple, top-down Icinga2 configuration with one master and one slave. There are two zones. 'core' is the master zone. 'plwg' lives on a slave endpoint. Most (but not all) of my newly added checks remain in a pending state. The health…
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icingaweb2 authentication php error

Yesterday I added the below mpm config to httpd.conf and restarted Apache. I logged in and everything was fine. This morning Icingaweb2 auth is broken. I doubt the mpm module has anything to do with the php error but that's all I changed.
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Icinga2 rejects new pki certs

I have one Icinga2 master (mon-master) and one Icinga2 client (cl0). Both are Icinga2 v2.6.3. Today I successfully ran 'icinga2 node wizard' on cl0 but there seems to be something wrong with the certs. When I attempt to start Icinga2 on cl0 I…
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Does Graylog2 monitor services and hard disks like Icinga2?

We have graylog2 set up to monitor the syslogs, etc. However we're wondering if we can use it to monitor the different services, if they're down or not, if the hard disk is filling up. Does it provide such features? Or will we have to install…
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how to keep track of linux package updates across multiple servers / containers (replacing apticron)

I run multiple servers and in each a dozen containers (lxc). I'm still using apticron to get informations about new package updates but I start to drown in emails from each and every container and usually they report the same update since they're…
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Icinga2: How to control if master or satellite notifies?

I created an apply rule for notifications within an Icinga2 global zone: apply Notification "mail-icingaadmin" to Service { import "mail-service-notification" user_groups = ["icingaadmins"] assign where host.vars.notification_type ==…
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