Questions tagged [healthcheck]

100 questions
1 answer

What happens when a pod fails for readiness health check?

I was tracking down an unknown timeout problem in our cluster and found something interesting. We currently have 30 pods for a service. When I run kubectl get event Those 30 pods have been failing for readiness. All of them have "LASTSEEN" less…
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AWS health check and respawn if issue

I have some instances in AWS which I need only one of them, no scaling. Of course we monitor those instances as well, but before alerting someone. I checked if there's a way in AWS to check for the instance on a regular basis and terminate and spawn…
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Kubernetes Influx DB - Backend Unhealthy

I am trying to deploy Influx DB on Kubernetes. Using the official Influx DB Helm chart. I am deploying this Helm chart with the following values file: persistence: enabled: true size: 5Gi ingress: enabled: true # tls:…
1 answer

503 ALB health check HAProxy

I have a HAProxy behind Amazon ALB (Application Load Balancer) http/80 health check is ok, but https/443 gives me 503, even though the site is available & ok Here's what I see in HAProxy log: 4/26/2018 3:19:47 AMApr 26 00:19:47 localhost…
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GCP Load Balancer very high health check frequency

I'm using an HTTP Load Balancer on GCP, configured via Kubernetes Ingress. It seems like the number of health check requests is very frequent: - - [24/Apr/2018:17:53:25 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 695 "-" "GoogleHC/1.0" - -…
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Should things like database performance be included in a healthcheck

I manage a webservice and it is very important for my company to detect and notify if any of the services is down, and also if any of the operations it does is taking too long to respond. Until now there was a separated web application (including…
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Haproxy external check with arguments

I'm trying to use the Option external-check and can't get it to work with an argument. It if I can't pass anything then that option becomes useless. I've been trying for hours and nothing works. It only works with just the executable. It gives me…
Panama Jack
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Check age of oldest file in directory ... But no other access

There are roughly 30 users and 30 directories with this structure: /home/user1/input/ /home/user2/input/ /home/user3/input/ /home/user4/input/ ... A check should monitor the directories. If the oldest file in a directory is older than 5 hours, then…
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etcd on GCE-load balancing and health checks

I'm trying to set up a secure etcd cluster on CoreOS on top of GCE. I want to distribute load between several etcd nodes with some kind of load balancing. I want a load balancer that would have an external IP(to make etcd cluster reachable for other…
Victor Bessonov
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Why is Varnish not probing the backend server?

I have two backends for a Varnish configuration. The first backend works fine, the second backend seems to be completely ignored by Varnish. It seems that the .probe on the second backend is ignored in the sense that it never attempts to query the…
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Google cloud autoscaling kills instances which do job

I'm trying to setup GCP autoscaling for my application (video converting service) and I'm experiencing the following problem: Let's say the autoscaler creates 3 new instances and in the each instance I have 4 running processes of converting video.…
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Restarting Google Compute Engine instances if unhealthy

Health checks can probe my instance on specific http requests and determine if it is unhealthy. From the documentation I undertsand that autohealing only works for managed instance group, which means that an instance which is unhealthy will not be…
2 answers

How to setup health check on multiple ports in new AWS Application LB?

Can someone help me setting up the multi-port health check on single AWS ALB. My instances have been running with dockerized containers on different ports. ALB Scheme is internal LB. Please help.
1 answer

ARR Web Farm Health Test sends hundreds of requests

I have an IIS ARR/Web Farm using the Health Test feature (healthcheck). The settings on the test are to check the given url every 30 seconds. It does check every 30 seconds, but it sends hundreds of requests during each check. Has anyone seen this…
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AWS ELB health check fails on LDAP authentication

I am running a Docker container through ECS. The container runs an Apache server hosting a simple web application. However, the server requires LDAP authentication to access the page. I am using a Service configured with an ELB to manage the…