Questions tagged [gparted]

73 questions
4 answers

Creating bootable Fedora USB with persistent storage

I am attempting to burn the full Fedora 19 x86_64 DVD iso to a USB drive and have a separate partition on it for a kickstart file / other media that will be installed in the kickstart process. With the Ubuntu server 12 iso, you can simply dd the iso…
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Is it possible to back up and then restore a Windows volume partition?

I installed Windows 7 on a MacBook using Boot Camp. Using Boot Camp, I resized the MacOS partition to 20 GB and let the Windows partition consume the rest of the space - 128 GB. (Unfortunately this was the only option available with Boot Camp.) Now…
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Recover data on a hard-drive that changed partition table

I changed the partition table on one HDD from GPT to MBR/MSDOS but I realized (too late) that it affected all partitions on the same HDD. Basically I lost data on the secondary partition which I wanted to keep. I used gparted to perform the change…
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CentOS GPT partition on USB device

I have a development server that is running CentOS 5.x. I have two 4TB drives that use eSATA that I use for backups. When I got these drives I learned the version of parted in CentOS 5.x did not support GPT or files systems larger than 2TB but…
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can grub be installed as first program on new machine?

Possible Duplicate: How to install grub on a completely empty hard drive? I've got a new os setup in virtualbox. I booted into it with gparted live cd. how can I install grub on the mbr from this point? All the documentation I can find seems to…
2 answers

What is the best/easiest way to change the RAID configuration of a Windows Server and Restore it to its last working configuration with more space?

I have a Dell Server with 6 1TB Drives in it. Currently the drives are configured into two RAID groups: Existing Group 1: 2 x 1TB in RAID 1 (1TB Usable) C: Drive (Windows 2008 r2 Boot Partition NTFS) Group 2: 4 x 1TB in RAID 10 (2TB Usable) E:…
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2 answers

Volume size doesn't match Disk size after gparted expansion

I just expanded a basic disk on a Windows XP VM from 15gb to 40 gb using GPARTED LiveCD (0.5.2-11). I didn't notice anything unusual during the expansion; but after I rebooted back into Windows, the disk capacity doesn't match the disk size as it…
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Reducing an lvmgroup - cannot resize to xxxx extents as later ones are allocated

I've been going through the process of reducing the size of a Centos 6.10 image by reducing an lvmgroup. I'm at the point where I've been able to run this command: pvresize -tv --setphysicalvolumesize 1600G /dev/md125p2 And it's giving me the…
0 answers

unable to convert MBR disk to GPT

I've got a MySQL DB running in EC2 that I've had to continually add space to the EBS volume, then grow it (using growpart/xfs_growfs). I finally hit 2TB and couldn't figure out why I could no longer grow the partition, its because of course it's an…
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1 answer

Unable to Extend Partition on Hyper-V Generation 2 VM

I'm facing a weird problem with Generation 2 Hyper-V VM, where I'm unable to extend partition in Guest OS. Once I edit the VHDX & Expand it using Hyper-V Manager on the Host OS, and boot into Guest OS, I navigate to Disk Management to extend…
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Use gparted to copy CentOS boot volume

I can't seem to copy all partitions from my boot device (SDA) to my new ssd (SDB). For some reason the copy function is greyed out for the SDA2 partition. I can only copy the SDA1 partition. I'm booting form a live gparted image. Can anyone advice.…
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gparted - Libparted Error, unable to inform the kernel of the change

This is on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) with gparted. I'm trying to re-format LaCie rugged external drives connected via USB 3.0. I continue to get this error message when using gparted to format and add a partition: Libparted Error …
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CentOS6 (VM) on Hyper-V (host) - expanding disk size

I have a Hyper-V server (host). With a CentOS6.x VM (guest). My goal is: expand the /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root partition to a total 200GB; expand the /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_swap partition to a total 100GB; create another logical mount within…
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Broken disk doesn't let the system boot. DRDY

The broken disk is a SSD, it is the only disk in this system. Suddenly it started throwing an error at the POST, see image: I researched for solution but it looks like, that as I said, the disk is broken (or better, the controller might be). Still,…
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1 answer

How to extend centos_root partition on Centos 7 and Hyper-V

I've been struggling to get this right and tried plenty of tutorials with no luck. I have a Centos 7 installed as a guest on Hyper-V and need to expand the disk space on centos root partition. I've already extended VHDX in Hyper-V. I've been…
Jacek Michalski
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