Questions tagged [gparted]

73 questions
0 answers

Delete partition and create two other partitions instead one?

i have structure of my hdd, like this: Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/sdb1 40 2048 2009 1004.5K BIOS boot /dev/sdb2 4096 409602047 409597952 195.3G Linux RAID /dev/sdb3 409602048…
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GParted shows Raid1 partition as Ext4, how can I correct that?

As I've recently bought some extra disks to store my VM disks redundantly, hoping for some increased read performance and redundancy in case drives fail, I started building a RAID array. I've currently created an RAID1 array with 2 disks (I intend…
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Virtual Ubuntu gparted increase root partition size

I am trying to increase the disk size of my Ubuntu server with Gparted. I've come so far but the changes don't seem to have an effect. Here is an image of what i began with and how my partitions looked like. afterall i got this as my endresult …
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Oracle Linux virtual machine's root size is not getting increased

Size of root was 100% in OEL 7 virtual machine in ESXi, so I have used Gpated iso to resize the root space. After booting OEL 7 df -h still showing as 100% used i.e. still showing old size.
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impossible to format an internal disk

I can't format a bunch of internal disks that I have bought in second hand from a datacenter. The disks were formatted in NTFS, this is 3 2TB seagate constellation ES +2 1TB seagate constellation ES + 1 WDC RE3 1TB. I have done a new partition…
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Volume full according to vgdisplay, but not df

I am trying to shrink a ubuntu 16.04 extended partition using gparted. gparted and vgdisplay both show say the partition is fully used. So I can't shrink the partition. df says 5% is used (the correct value). Here's the GParted screenshot. And…
2 answers

GParted not able to dd Unallocted space to /dev/sda*

There is no way I can extend the current volume with the new allocated space that is available, and the locks can't be opened. Edit: after de-activating it, it was possible to expand it. And I actived again, but the new 1GB was not added. Fdisk…
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Ubuntu server partitions not updated after repartioning

I'm running last version of ubuntu server on VirtualBox. I ran of of disk space so I changed the vdi size using Vmanage. Attached the disk used by this VM to another VM and repartioned the disk using gparted. Started the first VM again (ubuntu…
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Resized ubuntu partition not showing properly in VMWare

I have installed ubuntu 14.04 in windows under vmware workstation 11. I ran out of diskspace on the VM (I had it set it to 30GB). Within the VM Properties - I have expanded the diskspace to 60GB. I ran gparted on boot and resized the partition…
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FreeBSD10 resize virtual server image to smaller partition

I have a VPS on the new Vultr system and I am noticing that they do not have pv-grub ready and available which makes my dilemma even more interesting. I have a 40gig image I need to migrate to a 15 gig partition. Normally just reboot into rescue…
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Missing hal.dll After Disk Clone

A friend couldn't seem to get Norton Ghost to clone a disk usably. I suggested using GParted, and (after running chkdsk /f on the NTFS partition - possibly the cause of Norton's problem) took the following steps: Copied the recovery partition (at…
Tim Lytle
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Extending System Partition Windows 2003 Server

I'm currently trying to find a method to extend the system partition for Windows 2003 Server. I've been trying to use GParted, however I keep running into the issue below. Is there something that I need to do in order to extend the C: drive using…
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fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve UUID but gparted shows the correct UUID

I'm running CentOS6 on a PowerSpecG211 with a RAID level 1 array (2x2TB) and a couple of SSD's Yesterday afternoon the partition for /var ran out of space while I was doing some stuff in mysql and the whole system froze. now when I reboot, I get a…
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How can I resize sda1 using Unallocted space

Image of file system I am trying to increase the size of the partition sda1. But when I try to resize, I don't see any available space though I have 7GB of space. How can I increase the size of sda1 using either 5GB or 2GB…
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Is it possible to extend a partition with another partition blocking it?

I have an Ubuntu VM that I am trying to extend. It is currently 20 GB total, with 19.12 being the main partition, with an 895 MB partition at the end. I am trying to extend the large partition to be approximately 40 GB. I have gotten VMWare to…
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