Questions tagged [gparted]

73 questions
2 answers

Increasing a drive capacity in ESX3.5 not working?

I'm trying to extend a drive in ESX3.5. This is an NTFS volume that serves as a primary boot for Windows 2003, but that shouldn't matter. Here's what I do within VMWare Infrastructure: Right-click VM, select "Edit Properties" Select Hard Disk 1, it…
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Clone and resize NTFS GPT partition?

I have a ntfs partition, GPT, of 5.6 TB containing only 200 GB of data, that I need to fit onto a 1 TB partition (of a vmware ESXi guest). Vmware converter does not support GPT. Acronis disk director does not support GPT. As I am not very familiar…
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PartedMagic in vSphere 4 - Weird Mouse Behaviour

Mouse is pointing to a fraction of where it should in a VMware vSphere 4.0 vm with the windows vSphere client. Booting up UBCD -> PartedMagic... The mouse pointer has x/y co-ordinates of a smaller fraction of that which it "should" have. This can be…
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creating a more than 4 primary partitions

i was moving my partitions here and there and i end up deleting my swap partition and currently i have 4 partitions and when i try to format ( note : the unallocated part ) some unallocated space gparted keeps saying : " If you want more…
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What is the best way to repartition the system drive on a Windows domain controller?

I have a Windows 2003 server that is the primary domain controller for the network. It has a RAID 1 array that houses the 'C' and 'D' drives. And a RAID 5 array that houses the 'E' drive. The C:\ drive is 12GB in size and it is running out of…
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How can I add a new disk to my existing Ubuntu Server 20.04.3?

I'm wondering how I can go about adding a new disk to my server? I'm unsure how to do this. I've tried installing 'gparted' with this command $sudo apt install gparted But when I try to run it, it just spits out this message: $sudo gparted Unit…
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How to reduce a partition size on Centos 6.10

I'm trying to reduce the size of a partition in a Centos 10 system. I created a bootable thumb drive with Gparted, but it showed no space available to reduce the partition. So I tried resizing the largest filesystem from 1.8 to 1.7 GB using the…
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Repartition drives with GParted

Apologies for asking this question yesterday on a guest account that I lost access to. I've created and cloned a CentOS computer with a ton of customization. But when I originally set it up I had CentOS automatically configure partitions across my…
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Issues Booting Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Server) after cloning from another drive

I have an Ubuntu server running 18.04 LTS. Not long ago, I had to clone the drive of this server to another machine to make repairs, and now I need to reclone it back to the server again. This time, I used the GParted boot disk following these…
Jason O
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Recover filesystem after resize FAT32

I recently resized one partition inside an LVM on my disk using gparted. No errors were given, but now the filesystem is corrupted and I'm trying to recover it. When I mount it, no errors appear but when I ls into the mount point I have a directory…
1 answer

Resize Ubuntu boot partition with swap partition adjacent to it

I'm trying to resize a /boot partition use gparted from an Ubuntu LiveCD. The problem is that I have a linux swap and extended partition right adjacent to the /boot partition. The unallocated space is after these partitions. The screenshot attached…
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Does a resize of a partition typically stretch the existing size of the used space on your file system?

On a dual boot system (Vista/Jaunty) I wanted to take some unallocated space and enlarge my ext3 partition. Upon doing so I noticed that the disk check that runs from parted kept failing at the end of the resize, and also that my actual space used…
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Adding more space to VirtualBox HD (Centos Host) does not add space in the folder

I am running Centos 6.5 guest on Windows 7 Pro host (VirtualBox v4.3.6) - all 64 bit. I am trying to increase the size of Centos virtual disk (which is currently about 15G) to 90G. I did run the following Command VBoxManage modifyhd "C:_Ten\Centos…
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