Questions tagged [google-iam]

38 questions
1 answer

Mapping an IAM role to a Cloud Identity organizational unit

In the GCP IAM console, I can add either the entire organization (the domain of or individual users to Roles. However, I have the users setup in GSuite/Cloud Identity and organized into OUs that I'd like to use. Is there a way to map…
1 answer

Access denied (SA doesn't have storage.objects.create access) when trying to upload using a preSigned url to google cloud storage

Having issues trying to allow a client to upload a file via a presigned url. Error received AccessDenied Access…
1 answer

QueryTestablePermissions response doesn't include "AcessContextManager.*" permissions

Based on this documentation : There are several permissions with prefix : AccessContextManager. But After I ran the API : QueryTestablePermission, it doesn't include those list. Also…
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Compute OS Admin Login role doesn't make user sudoer

I have a user with the Compute OS Admin Login role, but when I log in using ssh, this user is not a sudoer. I've tried to restart the instance, but still the same. I've tried with enable_oslogin:TRUE both at the instance level and at the project…
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Can a service account access all APIs?

For an api-key, one can define which APIs can be accessed with that api-key, but for service accounts, you seemingly can't. I thought maybe I could create a new role that only allows access to the vision API, but there is no permission for that. How…
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How do I determine the least privilege permissions for a service account applying Terraform plans?

EDIT: Since I can't "trigger" Recommender to make this calculation, and I can't get at the source dataset, is there an automated way of finding the IAM permissions a service account would need to apply a Terraform plan? The original question was…
Larry B.
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2 answers

Allow multiple service accounts to access multiple storage buckets

I have some devices, and each will be handled to the customers. I need each device to have read-access to some Google Cloud storage buckets. I would like each of device (or at least each customer) to have a different service account so I can…
1 answer

How do I enable only a single Cloud SQL DB for a GCP service account?

I have a service account that should only have access to a single instance of Cloud SQL. In GCP, I've been trying to create a role with conditional access to the instance. The instance name of the DB is test-sandboxy, and I've taken a screenshot of…
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