Questions tagged [gcsfuse]

gcsfuse is a user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage.

gcsfuse is a user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage. Users can mount their GCS buckets as if they were local file systems.

60 questions
1 answer

Store large files in Google Cloud Storage without local copy

I would like to store large binary files (mongodump bson files) in a Google Cloud Storage bucket mounted on a Google Compute instance through gcsfuse. Everything is working well, except that fuse is copying every file to a temporary folder every…
1 answer

With gcsfuse, how much remaining space is available in a bucket when mounted?

I'm about to evaluate gcsfuse for use in a system with a database daemon. The daemon is peculiar. It computes its usable available disk space subtactively, rather than additively; that is, it ensures that it uses all of the available space, except…
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Mounting google storage bucket folder using gcsfuse

0 down vote favorite I am not able to mount a specific folder inside the google storage bucket On OS X, this program allows you to mount buckets using the mount command. (On Linux, only root can do this.) mount -t gcsfuse -o rw,user my-bucket…
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1 answer

Does GCSFuse use a VFS?

I am running gcsfuse on a GCE(Debian Jessie) instance and successfully mounted my GCS bucket. If someone drops a file into my bucket, I'd like for it to trigger an event and publish to a topic using cloud pub/sub. I'd have a subscriber listening to…
0 answers

gcsfuse terminating with error 1 on GKE Autopilot

I am trying to use gcsfuse from a kubernetes pods running in GKE Autopilot. I read there may be issues with GKE autopilot, but the error I got is different from what is typically reported. Is gcsfuse now working with Autopilot or there is no…
1 answer

gcsfuse failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied

I'm running the following command inside a container as an ordinary, non-root user gcsfuse --foreground --debug_fuse --debug_fs --debug_gcs --debug_http my-bucket /data and it works locally when I start the container with --priviliged and that's…
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DeleteObject followed by UpdateObject

Whenever I delete a file on my gcsfuse mounted file system, the DeleteObject command is always followed by an UpdateObject command, which fails, because the file does not exist anymore. The delete itself succeeds, both locally and on the bucket, so…
2 answers

GCSFuse setting times of 'XX': Permission denied

Debian Bullseye running GCS Fuse, after a series of updates it now give me the setting times error, for example: touch hi touch: setting times of 'hi': Permission denied I am really at a loss here. Everything is updated.
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Bucket mounted using gcsfuse doesn't match what's in my cloud storage bucket

I have a Google Cloud Storage bucket and am experimenting with creating a website in Google Cloud Platform (using Python+Flask FWIW). For my initial experiment, I'm using gcsfuse to mount my GCS bucket as a…
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GCSFuse v0.33.2 - Large objects (11GB) upload to GCSBucket Fails

Receiving below errors when we try to upload 11 GB file to bucket; also, filesystem is going into "????????" as we can't list the objects available in the bucket. This requires umount and mount back again to see the objects in the bucket. But, still…
1 answer

gcsfuse terminating itself on GKE

I have gcsfuse in a deployment on GKE, it was working fine and without any changes in the config it started failing since yesterday. Received signal 15; terminating. I have it deployed in 2 different clusters, first I thought it was related to the…
1 answer

Writing a Zero Byte File Before Total File Is Written to the Mounted Bucket

I have a mounted bucket using gcsfuse version 0.28. I have a file, say 200MB or greater that I am copying over to the mounted directory/bucket. GCSFUSE first writes a zero byte file, removes it in the target directory, and then writes the full…
2 answers

GCS fuse taking 10 minutes to perform ls

This used to work just fine but in the last two weeks it has been noticed that the connection seems to have slowed down significantly. Performing gsutil ls -lr gs://bucket/folder takes around 10 minutes. There are about 4000 files in that folder…
1 answer

gcsfuse automount on a non root user

Currently I have a VM that runs CentOS 7 and would like to auto mount a bucket using a non root user. I have installed NextCloud and would like to point local data folder to Google Cloud Storage. Tried various examples but none of them seemed to…
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GCSFuse keeps generating dummy files on mounted bucket that can't be deleted due to retention policy

I'm currently setting up a GCP storage bucket on my instance which will be used for backups. I have currently configured fstab to mount the bucket on startup using the following config. cpanel1-vm-backups /mount/backups gcsfuse rw,user The problem…
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