Questions tagged [gcsfuse]

gcsfuse is a user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage.

gcsfuse is a user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage. Users can mount their GCS buckets as if they were local file systems.

60 questions
2 answers

mount GCPs buckets with write access

I can successfully mount my bucket using the following command sudo mount -t gcsfuse -o rw,noauto,user,implicit_dirs,allow_other fakebucket thebucket/ I can go into the bucket find the subfolders and etc. however I can't write anything touch:…
1 answer

gcsfuse in Google App Engine flexible custom runtime

I'm trying to use gcsfuse to mount GCS buckets in a docker container deployed in a GAE flexible custom runtime instance. This is part of the Dockerfile: FROM RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get -y install…
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What shared, high volume storage technology should be used when hosting in Google Cloud?

Given an auto-scaling web server farm setup that needs access to a very large number of image files, we are currently using Google Cloud Storage with a mounted FUSE folder on each web server so that the same set of shared files can be accessed. The…
1 answer

GCS Fuse not setting ContentType

We are using using GCS Fuse to manage content on some GCS buckets, but an issue we're running into is that files written by gcsfuse always seem to have the content-type of 'application/octet-stream' once in GCS. I'm not seeing anything in the…
1 answer

Fusing a google bucket on centos 6.7 permission error

Currently I'am trying to mount a google bucket to a VM running Centos 6.7. I have generated a .json file from the developer console and uploaded it to the server, I then went and pointed GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the files location. However…
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Latest 0.39.1 version does not allow accessing objects without listing the directory content before

Our servers restart nightly and we noticed that as of yesterday (with the release of 0.39.1) our servers did not properly start up anymore. We noticed that when we try to access files on a bucket (mounted through gcsfuse) - we get access denied /…
1 answer

Unable to mount FS as a non root user

I have a nginx image that runs as non root (user is nginx UID 101 GID 101 )in kubernetes. This image also has gcsfuse installed in it. As the image runs with nginx user, I would like this user to mount a GCS bucket. When I try this, it…
Jason Stanley
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1 answer

Confused about how to manipulate GCS bucket/object permissions

On my laptop I have a directory which contains a subdirectory, which in turn contains a bunch of HTML files. It looks like this: % ls -lR 2000-09 2000-09: total 12 drwxrwxr-x 2 skip skip 12288 Nov 18 07:42 html 2000-09/html: total 648 -rw-r--r-- 1…
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0 answers

GCSFuse using local disk space

I am having an issue with a bucket mounted on a GCP VM using gcsfuse. Based on the documentation : Note that new and modified files are also fully staged in the local temporary directory until they are written out to GCS due to being closed or…
1 answer

export gcsfuse mount so a third client can access files in a storage bucket

I mount a storage bucket to a local directory. /share Then I try to make this directory - now populated with contents of the object store - available to another machine. The goal is, that this other machine doesnt't have to use a gcsfuse-client…
0 answers

fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted

i want to mount gcp bucket in my lxc container but when i ran gscfuse command it gives me an error Mounting file system... daemonize.Run: readFromProcess: sub-process: mountWithArgs: mountWithConn: Mount: mount: running fusermount: exit status…
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1 answer

unable to connect to VM in port 22

I unable to connect to my VM instance named "g14" while it already running under project id "vernal-dispatch-280822" using SSH on port 22 (PS attached).also i can't connect over RDP or using VNC viewer. Issue occurred after i reboot mentioned VM…
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2 answers

Prevent Cloud CDN from serving cached elements?

I have some problem with Cloud CDN. I've added a CDN to a bucket connected on an instance. I need to get an element from CDN, but this element is updated each 1 sec from my server. What happen is that when from browser i get the first time the file…
1 answer

How to Change Cloud API access scopes on GCP Compute Engine with out stopping the Instance

I'm using gcsfuse inside Google Compute Engine. I mounted a folder with cloud storage bucket but, unable to create any file inside of it: touch t1 with an error: touch: cannot touch 't1': Input/output error Solution for the issue is to give Cloud…
1 answer

gcsfuse fstab configuration with google compute engine

I am running freepbx Centos on a GCE VM. Syncing stops when FreePBX/Asterisk tries to write and create a folder in the mounted folder and FreePBX is unable to write / create folder in the folder. Everything works again when the system is rebooted…