I am trying to use gcsfuse from a kubernetes pods running in GKE Autopilot. I read there may be issues with GKE autopilot, but the error I got is different from what is typically reported.

Is gcsfuse now working with Autopilot or there is no hope? And the csi-fuse driver a possible option instead on GKE Autopilot?

Here's the error I see:

root@gcs-k8s-test:/mnt# gcsfuse  gs://bucketXXXX /mnt/fuse
2022/08/16 01:32:17.656053 Start gcsfuse/0.41.5 (Go version go1.18.4) for app "" using mount point: /mnt/fuse
2022/08/16 01:32:17.781937 Opening GCS connection...
2022/08/16 01:32:18.164009 Mounting file system "gs://bucketXXXX"...
daemonize.Run: readFromProcess: sub-process: mountWithArgs: mountWithConn: Mount: mount: running /bin/fusermount: exit status 1

Thanks for any help.

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