Questions tagged [fstab]

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions.

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions. In a nutshell, mounting is the process where a raw (physical) partition is prepared for access and assigned a location on the file system tree (or mount point).

* In general fstab is used for internal devices, CD/DVD devices, and network shares (samba/nfs/sshfs). Removable devices such as flash drives *can* be added to fstab, but are typically mounted by gnome-volume-manager and are beyond the scope of this document.
* Options for mount and fstab are similar.
* Partitions listed in fstab can be configured to automatically mount during the boot process.
* If a device/partition is not listed in fstab ONLY ROOT may mount the device/partition.
* Users may mount a device/partition if the device is in fstab with the proper option


241 questions
1 answer

XEN vm disk quota / fstab commented out

In order to enable user quota on a debian system I must edit the /etc/fstab ( But in my case the whole /etc/fstab on the vm is commented out: # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # #
1 answer

Problems Mounting NFS Shared Drive Using Fstab (Ubuntu - Lucid Linux)

Currently I have clients hooked up to a server through NFS such that user home folders mount to the clients (if you want more info on that, let me know). I am trying to set up a shared drive, in which every file and folder can be edited by any user.…
Alex Brooks
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How and when should I mount a remote filesystem using SSHFS?

I managed to get SSHFS working smoothly. I've added the following line to my /etc/fstab: sshfs#xxx@remote_host:/path_to/remote/content /path_to/local/content fuse \ comment=sshfs,noauto,user,exec,allow_other,reconnect,kernel_cache, \ …
Jan Deinhard
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Can't boot my server after fstab optimizations

After optimizng the fstab values for my main server HDD, the server is unable to boot and i can't debug it because i'm controlling it remotly, this what i've entered /dev/sda1 / ext3 …
1 answer

Windows to linux fileshare is sometimes using old (cached) version of file

I have a fileshare on Windows 7 that I'm accessing from a linux (ubuntu lucid) virtual machine running in VirtualBox. When I change a file in windows, then don't access it for a while (an hour or two or more) in the linux filesystem, it either uses…
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Can volumes be guaranteed to mount in the order listed in fstab?

Can volumes be guaranteed to mount in a particular order, or is there a way to set up something along the line of dependencies, where one filesystem must be mounted before another may be mounted? I need an undefined amount of extra storage space on…
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Set custom mount point and mount options for USB stick

I have an USB stick which contains private stuff like the SSH key. I want to mount this stick to my own home directory with 0700 permissions. Currently I do this with this line in /etc/fstab: LABEL=KAYSTICK /home/k/.kaystick auto…
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2 answers

Can not login into server due to NFS mount failed

I have two servers: Server A: NFS Server Server B: It mounts a directory via NFS from Instance A The problem is that Server A IP is configured in the Server B fstab to mount the directory while booting. When the Server A is stopped for some…
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1 answer

How to mount a drive with read only permission

I am using this is fstab to mount the partition at backup. /dev/sda5 /media/virtual ntfs defaults 0 0 When i reboot the permissions are automatically set to 777. I want that only one user i.e userA can read and write , all others should not see the…
0 answers

Mount encfs mountpoint in fstab with extpass

I am trying to mount an encfs mountpoint at boot via fstab on an Ubuntu 22.04 x64 server. Here is my current fstab: encfs#/content /decrypted-content fuse extpass=/root/passwd-encfs 0 0 /root/passwd-encfs is a bash script that returns the…
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0 answers

setfacl operation not supported ubuntu wsl

i want to set acl certain file in /var/www/html/index.htm inside Ubuntu WSL 20.04 (win 10) using : $ sudo setfacl -m u:wira:rwx sshd_config setfacl: sshd_config: Operation not supported after searching in internet, all solved valid answer is by…
Lezir Opav
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1 answer

Restrict user's access to only one directory

ServerA needs to have a directory of ServerB mounted in a location, with write permissions. I've been using SSHFS for this. I find SSHFS being very stable (100% reliable), while NFS was not so stable, besides being really hard to configure, and by…
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`findmnt` and `ls` still see a physically disconnected external storage drive

Here is an /etc/fstab record example of one of the mounts as per x-systemd.automount and other goodies: UUID=XXXX-XXXX /media/XXXX-XXXX auto…
0 answers

How to reduce a partition size on Centos 6.10

I'm trying to reduce the size of a partition in a Centos 10 system. I created a bootable thumb drive with Gparted, but it showed no space available to reduce the partition. So I tried resizing the largest filesystem from 1.8 to 1.7 GB using the…
0 answers

NFS mount is gone after reboot, but present in fstab

I have added the following to /etc/fstab, which I understood would automatically mount upon startup of the machine. /nfs/plex nfs auto,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0 However every time I reboot my…
Syntax Error
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