Questions tagged [fstab]

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions.

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions. In a nutshell, mounting is the process where a raw (physical) partition is prepared for access and assigned a location on the file system tree (or mount point).

* In general fstab is used for internal devices, CD/DVD devices, and network shares (samba/nfs/sshfs). Removable devices such as flash drives *can* be added to fstab, but are typically mounted by gnome-volume-manager and are beyond the scope of this document.
* Options for mount and fstab are similar.
* Partitions listed in fstab can be configured to automatically mount during the boot process.
* If a device/partition is not listed in fstab ONLY ROOT may mount the device/partition.
* Users may mount a device/partition if the device is in fstab with the proper option


241 questions
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Why /tmp is bound in /tmp ? How can I remove this bound

In Scientific Linux 6, a clone of RHEL6, I have the following mtab file: /dev/sda2 / ext4 rw 0 0 proc /proc proc rw 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs…
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How to map a UUID directly to both a device name (e.g. /dev/sda1) AND a mount point (e.g. /mnt/home2)?

I know how to map /etc/fstab to the mount point with the device name: /dev/sdb1 /mnt/home2 ext4 usrjquota=quota.user,jqfmt=vfsv0 0 0 This practice is however highly flawed as it is randomized and can change on reboots,…
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How to move /var back to Root from a different filesystem

I need to move my /var (dev/sdc1) back to the / (dev/sda2) from a different file system. I've resized the / partition and want to move /var back to / partition and resize /dev/sdc1 filesystem to mount another directory /data002 Currently, df -h and…
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FSTAB CIFS kerberos

How can I force fstab to mount CIFS with machine account kerberos? From logs it shows that cifs.upcall goes to: cifs.upcall: get_cachename_from_process_env: cachename = FILE:/tmp/krb5cc and not on /etc/krb5.keytab which has the computer account…
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/etc/fstab doesn't show temp but temp is mounted. CentOS 7 on linode

In CentOS 7, I have been told to secure the /tmp folder with with noexec,nosuid in /etc/fstab When I view the /etc/fstab, I can only see few lines without /tmp mounting option. I have created a tmp disk (1gb) and assign this disk via linode manager…
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Bash add entry to fstab by script

I'm newbies in bash scripting and i try to write script that add entry for cifs windows share to fstab. I writed a litle script but i'm not shure if it will work fine. I haven't linux to test it Can you help me to improve it or fix it? it will run…
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how to identify which physical drive(s) correspond to an entry in /etc/fstab

Using Centos. Situation: I have multiple drives off of two RAID controllers. I also have multiple entries in the fstab, such as /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc. What I need to know is how I can identify which drives or set of drives (in the case of RAID)…
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What if mounting point conflicts with local directory?

This might help me hunt down some system configuration bug. Suppose I make a local directory (e.g., "/foo") in one disk partition, and copy some files to it. But later on I forget about it, and configure the same directory as mounting point for…
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Unable to mount cifs in redhat 6

I am relatively new to Linux, and I am trying to mount a CIFS filesystem from an openfiler instance I have on my network in Red Hat. The openfiler instance is authenticating using AD. I am able to connect using samba: smbclient…
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NFS over wifi very slow

I have a NFS server hooked up to a client over a wireless network (n-router, b/g-client). I have terribly slow transfer rates of around 1.00 to 1.50 MB/s. I cannot seem to figure out how to improve this. I have played around with rsize/wsize but it…
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2 answers

Is a bad NFS mount preventing a clean boot?

I'm on Ubuntu server (I think it's 12.04, but not positive) and I basically ran into this problem here Unmount a nfs mount where the nfs server has disappeared The umount command didn't work, so I tried to just use the ol' reboot. Now the machine…
s g
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Should I use mount or autofs?

I have NFS shares on a file server that I would like to mount on a web server. For example, a music streamer web application (subsonic) would be hosted on the web server and stream music files located on the file server via NFS shares. 1) Would it…
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Server stucked in reboot

When I reboot the server, it is getting stucked here. It may have problem with this webdav mounting in fstab: https://webdavdir /home/user/Maildir davfs rw,uid=user,gid=user,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770 0 0 Any solution for this?
Ünsal Korkmaz
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Rescue fstab, invalid argument mounting my disk ext4

I have a problem, I think I wrong to edit /etc/fstab on centos7 and I cannot reboot my remote server. I'm in rescue mode with freebsd. I cannot mount my ada0s3 (on centos was sda3) to fix my fstab. root@rescuefbsd:/mnt # gpart show -p ada0 => …
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Hardening /home Directory via /etc/fstab

I am on Ubunto 20.04 server using a single partition at / for all directories as I am running web & mail servers. I hardened tmp , /var/tmp , & /run/shm using: none /tmp tmpfs nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 none /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,noexec,nosuid…
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