Questions tagged [fstab]

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions.

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions. In a nutshell, mounting is the process where a raw (physical) partition is prepared for access and assigned a location on the file system tree (or mount point).

* In general fstab is used for internal devices, CD/DVD devices, and network shares (samba/nfs/sshfs). Removable devices such as flash drives *can* be added to fstab, but are typically mounted by gnome-volume-manager and are beyond the scope of this document.
* Options for mount and fstab are similar.
* Partitions listed in fstab can be configured to automatically mount during the boot process.
* If a device/partition is not listed in fstab ONLY ROOT may mount the device/partition.
* Users may mount a device/partition if the device is in fstab with the proper option


241 questions
3 answers

How can I add the "noatime" flag to my / filesystem without a reboot

Would the remount command do it if I add the option in /etc/fstab? Is this this a good idea?
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How to mount /tmp in /mnt on EC2?

I was wondering what is the best way to mount the /tmp endpoint in the ephemeral storage /mnt on an EC2 instance and give the ubuntu user default write permissions. Some suggest editing /etc/rc.local this way: mkdir -p /mnt/tmp && mount --bind -o…
Claudio Poli
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How to repair the fstab file with current configuration

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and i accidently removed all the entries from the fstab files while doing a backup (Yeah, I know ;)). I would like to know if there is a way to rebuild it with the current mount options, since I did not restart the server…
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How to add new persistent disk without rebooting the server?

I've got a running instance on GCP and would like to add another persistent disk into it. But it will not show up. It's an n1-standard-1 instance with a 10 GB storage (named s03). I created another storage disk-1 and mounted it. Then I created…
2 answers

Is there a way of exporting fstab info for device which is currently mounted?

Does there exist any tool which can tell you what the fstab line for a mount should be? Ie. it looks at something which has been mounted manually and tells you the line which you would have to add to /etc/fstab to have the same mount be…
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Create directory before binding via /etc/fstab

I have this line in my /etc/fstab: /mnt/tmp /tmp none bind,nobootwait On EC2 however, /mnt may be lost during restarts causing the mount to fail due to non existent /mnt/tmp. So is there a way to explicitly create this directory?
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1 answer

How to reference an NFS share by UUID in the client's /etc/fstab

I have the following NFS export on my server, with fsid set to a newly generated UUID. /etc/exports: /mnt/data client(ro,fsid=b07f5af6-6b10-11e3-b4c1-00248115724d) I would then run exportfs -rav which returns no errors, but I don't know how to…
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5 answers

Auto mounting samba windows share in Fedora Core 15

I have a server that runs centos 6.2 with a samba share. What i am trying to achieve is to have the samba share automatically mounted on my PC running Fedora 15. In /etc/fstab I have // /media/ant cifs …
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3 answers

Auto mount network share

Hello i am trying to get my slave media center to mount a network drive at startup automatic. I have written this to my /etc/fstab/ \\\root /media/data cifs username=doomstone,password=XXXX,auto,user 0 0 \\\xbmc /media/xbmc…
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1 answer

Unable to mount cifs share in fstab with spaces in share name

I'm running a Debian Squeeze system and trying to mount a windows share in /etc/fstab. I've got an existing cifs mount working, but it's a simple //xx.xx.xx.xx/sharename situation. This second one isn't working however. The issue - the second share…
Rus Ti
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1 answer

Swapfile mount (/etc/fstab): "swap swap" or "none swap"

There seems to be conflicting information on how to mount a swapfile. swap swap: none swap: both: Both ways work. What is the official recommendation and how does each way affect swapping?
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0 answers

`ls` command hangs indefinitely in some directory in an azure File Storage share

I have an azure File Storage share mounted in a Ubuntu 16.04 VM following this how-to. Everything seems to work fine. So I run some process that produces a lot of data, e.g. 10k files for each run, collect them into a directory for each run, and…
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Automatically mount bucket with s3fs on boot

I use an Amazon S3 bucket to deliver some of my server's content. I was able to mount it successfully, and grant Apache rights over it, but can't get it mounted properly at reboot. I updated my /etc/fstab with this line, but nothing happens when I…
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1 answer

Why very slow / no directory caching with SSHFS?

I have the below in /etc/fstab and when I cd ~/dat0 and then do anything in there e.g. tab complete, it takes 10 seconds every time. I.e. it doesn't cache anything. Is there something that can be done to speed this up? ss@dat0: /home/ss/dat0…
Jasmine Lognnes
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1 answer

automount with curlftpfs

i would like to automount my backuftp with curlftpfs, i added curlftpfs# /backup/backupftp fuse allow_other,uid=0,gid=0,umask=0022 0 0 in /etc/fstab and put the login details in /root/.netrc mount -a works but when i reboot the…
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