Questions tagged [fedora-20]

32 questions
1 answer

Fedora 20 : Removing domain info (converted to hyphens)

Im noticing that in Fedora 20, if I modify the HOSTNAME=.... parameter to include a typical hostname: HOSTNAME=machine1.local It actually replaces the "." with a "-" character , and machine1.local is not pingable. Why is fedora interchanging the…
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Checking out a file from CVS repository

I am trying to get a copy of some files from a repository and am having an issue with the last command they have listed on the website. Here is the commands they gave me. $ touch .cvspass $ echo "/1…
2 answers

Where is lldpd package for Fedora 20?

I used to apt-get install lldpd on Debian but now I can't find same package for Fedora. Needed command line tool is lldpcli. Usage example: lldpcli show neighbors Does fedora has this tool too?
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Error with IPTables command

I'm trying to run the following command iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -j LOG --log-prefix "IPTables " And I get the following error: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. I'm running Fedora 20 in a vm environment.
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freeipa 4.1.0 on fedora20 not working

Has anyone successfully setup freeipa 4.0.3 on Fedora20 as a server and another fedora20 with freeipa 4.1.0 for the client side? because I can't figure out why im always having the error " user does not exist" when using " su - (user)…
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Postfix not receiving emails on fedora 20

I am new to fedora. I have fedora 20 set up with postfix. It can send email, and receive mail sent from localhost. However, if I send it from within the local network, then the packets come in and are visible via tcpdump on port 25 but nothing is…
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Postfix on fedora 20 not receiving mail

I am running fedora 20 with postfix. It can send mail fine, but does not log anything and cannot receive emails. The packets are reaching the computer fine as I can see them come in when I monitor port 25 with tcpdump, but /var/log/mail.log does not…
0 answers

Adjusting a VM screen size in Hyper-V

I am using Windows Server 2012 Datacenter. I have installed several virtual machines via Hyper-V and all is good, I moved a VM from another Server 2012 Datacenter over to my server. The VM starts and runs fine. However, the screen resolution on…
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ldap change schema and config password

I installed openldap server to fedora 20, and try use it for manage bugzilla accounts. So I first configure it for my domain, plus set password: dn: olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config changetype: modify replace: olcRootPW olcRootPW: {SSHA}... dn:…
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How to monitor RAID1 system with Dell PERC H200 controller?

I have a server configured with RAID1 using a Dell PERC H200 controller. I tried to use smartmontools to monitor the disks. But after installing it and running the command, it says SMART support is unavailable: # smartctl -a /dev/sda ... === START…
Question Overflow
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htaccess not working fedora 20

My htaccess is not working on fedora I made all AllowOverrides to be All. I restarted the httpd.service A site suggesting putting junk into the .htaccess file. I added it, nothing happened, suggessting htaccess isn't being read. I'm not sure what…
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apache fails to start

On a fedora 20 I tried to install ssl but something went wrong and now apache gives an error when I try to restart it. What can I do to get more info about the error and solve it? [root@localhost certs]# service httpd restart Redirecting to…
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yum search fails when run as non-root user

My yum has started failing to do search as a non-root user. This was working previously, and then something has been gummed up: sudo yum update works fine, as does sudo yum search blah. yum search blah, though, generates pages of errors and cannot…
Robert Muil
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Firewalld service taking too long to reload (Fedora 20)

I'm doing the pilot for deploying Fedora 20, and despite having external firewall protection, regulations here say I need to have the individual firewalls on every host active. Now comes that firewalld is the new king here, so I'm learning its…
David Ramirez
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Fedora 20, How to add MariaDB TokuDB engine

I was able to install MariaDB using this command: sudo yum install mariadb-server mariadb-client And it is working fine, but i am unable to install TokuDB engine as plugin. I have tried this: sudo yum install MariaDB-tokudb-engine but i am getting…