Questions tagged [failovercluster]

A failover cluster is a group of servers that work together to maintain high availability of applications and services

A failover cluster is a group of independent computers that work together to increase the availability and scalability of clustered roles
The clustered servers (called nodes) are connected by physical cables and by software. If one or more of the cluster nodes fail, other nodes begin to provide service (a process known as failover). In addition, the clustered roles are proactively monitored to verify that they are working properly. If they are not working, they are restarted or moved to another node.

430 questions
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Mac address flapping during VM migration in WSFC

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue with our servers on a customer network. We do not support the network infrastructure. For example, I have 2 nodes(WS2019) in the Failover Cluster. Each NODE have 2 nics and connected to swt 1 and swt 2 for fault…
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GlusterFS - Define Failover Cluster

I am currently planning the storage infrastructure for our new application. Since performance is a big and important item on our list, I want to use SSDs for the production environment. We sell a product that generates a lot of data (image/video…
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Can't reach File Server Cluster by DNS name

I'm trying to set up a file server cluster so that it can be accessed by a standard DNS name on our domain. I've got a DNS A record set up, pointing to the cluster service IP address. When I ping the DNS name, it resolves…
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Problems accessing shared folder in Windows clustered file Server 2008 R2

Firs of all I need to apologise for my poor technical and language skills. I will try to describe a problem as detail as I can. There is subnet In this subnet I have 3 servers 1 storage and 7 workstations (real count are many…
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Print Server Redundancy in VMware ESXi

I'm having a challenge figuring out the best way to get the highest possible uptime on my 2 print servers. The best solution would be if one of the servers function as my primary print server, and the other would function as secondary, and as soon…
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WinRM connection refused but not to FQDN

I have 2 domain joined servers running a failover cluster and I am trying to get CAU running. However, the readiness test fails because of WinRM issues. Both servers get connection refused when using Test-WSMan Server, but can connect when using the…
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Query to get the failoverCount and lastFailover in a Windows Failover Cluster

Anyone know of a command or PowerShell script to get the current failoverCount and lastFailover datetime in a Windows Failover Cluster? I have a 2-node cluster that doesn't automatically failover sometimes. The group is configured with the default…
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Windows Clustered Shared Volume IOPS

Quick question. I'm reviewing the IOPS for my CSV, and im confused about the Cluster CSVFS\Reads/sec counter. I aligned Physical Disk\Disk Reads/sec (for the CSV disk) with Cluster CSV File System\IO Reads/sec and Cluster CSVFS\Reads/sec. The first…
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Is it possible to create HA cluster on MacOS Catalina?

I couldn't find a documentation on configuring HA on Mac OS (Catalina). There's an application called Mac OS Server but the documentation doesn't talk anything about HA rather it looks to be an application to manage multiple devices. I'm planning to…
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What is meant by Multi-Cloud Clustering? Can anyone help me in understanding it in detail? Any helpful articles will be highly appreciated

Can someone help me in understanding what Multi-Cloud Clustering is? How can it be done and which are the best options for Multi-Cloud Clustering in the market today? Thanks.
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SAN volumes not showing in new cluster

Some background.... We have Two hyper-v hosts running server 2012r2 with a number of guests. Msa1040 SAN with two disk pools The hosts are a two server cluster The two hosts connect to the san via iScsi for cluster storage. We’ve had an OS fail…
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GuestVMs in a different VLAN than host in a HyperV Failover cluster

I'm smashing my head against a wall. I can't seem to get my guest VMs to use a different VLAN than my host machine. I have a 2 node Hyper V cluster(2016). Each node has 2 10Gig NICs in a Team. This team is assigned to a vSwitch and set as…
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windows 2016 preventing Live Migration

We have 2 Nodes in our cluster network and all hardwares have same specifications. While am doing Live Migration am getting below error. **Live migration of 'Virtual Machine TEST_SERVER_1' failed. Virtual machine migration operation for…
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How does loadbalancers like haproxy and keepalived implement failover/high-availability for themselves, in case the machine they are running dies?

I'm trying to understand how my load balance software does not become a single-point-of-failure. Do load-balancing software usually support failover/ha for themselves?
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Making debian 8.5 two node failover cluster

I am new here so take good care of me. I want to make failover cluster out of 2 debian 8.5 servers with mysql database. I need that both of them work on one ip (virtual). Can you suggest what clustering program to use and how to configure it? Thank…
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