Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
1 answer

Error while setting up grafana with graphite and nginx

While trying to setup grafana with graphite using nginx server. I am getting this error: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. I tried changing configuration file but still not working my grafana configuration…
2 answers

Elasticsearch index much larger than the actual size of the logs it indexed?

I noticed that elasticsearch consumed over 30GB of disk space over night. By comparison the total size of all the logs I wanted to index is only 5 GB...Well, not even that really, probably more like 2.5-3GB. Is there any reason for this and is there…
Christopher Bruce
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2 answers

Elasticsearch as memcache replacement

I am looking into replacing memcached with elasticsearch. Basically, I need to reduce my software stack and since I will be using elastic for searching, I was thinking of creating an index that will act as a general cache, where I will be storing…
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logstash / kibana can't connect to instance

I don't remember changing anything at all on my logstash server. As of just yesterday it was working fine! And I used it to run some queries. However.. today when I went to my logstash page, I see only thing message come up: Connection…
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Installing Graylog2 with puppet

I have manged to install Graylog2 from scratch by downloading all the DEB files and making the configurations. Now I try to install Graylog2 with the help of puppet in an environment and had no luck so far. I am using elasticsearch/elasticsearch and…
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1 answer

How can I add basic auth to an apache proxy while using CORS headers?

Background I use grafana for displaying graphs of our server-metrics. Grafana is a JS-app which in our case is getting the data from graphite and storing search-queries in elasticsearch. All three services have their own vhost, although being on the…
0 answers

JVM process resident set size "equals" max heap size, not current heap size

After a few reading about jvm memory (here, here, here, others I forgot...), I am expecting the resident set size of my java process to be roughly equal to the current heap space capacity. That's not what the numbers are saying, it seems to be…
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1 answer

Could not access pid file for elasticsearch

I am not a die-hard linux engineer, but I am having some problems with starting Elastic Search. Some stats: Server: Ubuntu Server 11.04 Elastic Search: 1.2.3 (installed with appitude) When I start Elastic Search it 'starts'without an error: *…
1 answer

Graylog2 server cannot connect to Elasticsearch

I try to follow Digital Ocean manual except using last versions of components. My elasticsearch.yml: graylog2 network.bind_host: localhost network.publish_host: localhost script.disable_dynamic: true Elasticsearch says it is ok. Then…
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1 answer

Elasticsearch Cluster State immediately goes Yellow after first index created

I run a number of standalone Logstash servers to allow review of log files from web application servers. One of these recently reported a Yellow cluster state due to unassigned shards. This is a common enough occurrence, which I usually deal with by…
Garreth McDaid
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How do I make a graceful shutdown (with zero replicas)?

I am running a three node (elasticsearch) cluster currently with index.number_of_replicas: 0. I'd like to bring one of the node down for maintenance. Do I have any options to do this without increasing number_of_replicas? Shutdown API does not seem…
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Problems configuring logstash for email output

I'm trying to configure logstash to send email alerts and log output in elasticsearch / kibana. I have the logs successfully syncing via rsyslog, but I get the following error when I run /opt/logstash-1.4.1/bin/logstash agent -f…
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1 answer

Iptables config breaks Java + Elastic Search communication

I am trying to set up a firewall for a server hosting a java app and ES. Both are on the same server and communicate to each other. The problem I am having is that my firewall configuration prevents java from connecting to ES. Not sure why…
Agustin Lopez
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1 answer

Unable to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for elasticsearch on another server

I'm trying to use Kibana on a server A to access elasticsearch on a server B. elasticsearch is protected with a basic auth authentication on server B. Kibana is also protected with basic authentication (and the same password) on server A. I'm…
Hugo Lassiège
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2 answers

What are records in 'netstat' command are when using logstash?

I use logstash with embedded elasticsearch. My logstash config looks like the following: output { tdout { debug => true debug_format => "json"} elasticsearch { embedded => true cluster => "logs" } } When I issue command to see all…
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