Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
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Adding context paths to ELK log analytics?

I'm looking to install the ELK stack on my application server by following the instructions here: I can see you can then access the various ELK services on localhost via certain ports. Is there a way for me add context paths for the services. Then I…
1 answer

Grok filter is not working properly

I have Filebeat-7.1 installed in a Debian server, this Filebeat send data from files in this Debian server to server with Logstash 7.6 , here are the files config Filebeat.yml: #=========================== Filebeat inputs…
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Kibana and Logstash: When is a field not a field?

I've enabled the grok filter in our logstash configuration in order to parse logs from HAProxy using the %{HAPROXYHTTP} and %{HAPROXYTCP} patterns. This seems to work great and viewing the details for any log entry from haproxy I can see the various…
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Does Elasticsearch have capability to form ES cluster with only one ES docker service running multiple replicas of it in Docker-Swarm

I wanna run only one elasticsearch service in docker-swarm having multiple replicas of this service. Does Elasticsearch have capability to form ES cluster with only one ES docker service running multiple replicas of it in Docker-Swarm. Below is my…
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Do we need a back up of Elastic Search data in a database in case of failure, or is there a solid permanant storage solution with Elastic Search?

We are looking to use Elastic Search in a major software system, which needs financial logs and records kept for many years. We are using Elastic Search, but are a little concerned whether Elastic is a workable solution for permanant storage. I've…
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rsyslog with elasticsearch and forwarding custom logs

I have configured rsyslogd Log Server With Elasticsearch and Kibana. I am able to forward the /var/log/messages from the client Linux servers (CentOS 7, RHEL 6) to the central Linux Log server (CentOS 7). However, I have a custom log file…
Arun Krishnan
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Unable to run logstash config file (permission denied)

my config file is stored in /etc/logstash/ and I ran the command $ /etc/logstash -f /etc/logstash/logstash.conf as root. However, they told me that permission denied when I tried to do that. Is there any way to solve this?
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How do I know how the hacker gained access to my machine?

I own a dedicated machine and today I got an email from my host saying that my server will be blocked if I don't stop abusing the network. I am not a spammer or hacker. Someone was using my machine to do the mischief. They attached a note in the…
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why did i need to stop java software?

i am on Debian Squeeze, 4G of Ram, 1G of Swap, CPU i3 3.07GHz. I used to use the following java softwares: jenkins elasticsearch Problem was their process was too greedy about CPU, in the top command, each one was eating more than 120%. When i…
1 answer

ElasticSearch doesn't start after upgrade from 2.3.1 to 5.6.4

I was running on elasticsearch 2.3.1, but I had to upgrade to 5.6.4 (because I wanted to install Kibana/Sense), but ElasticSearch won't start anymore. This is log from ElasticSearch: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The index…
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Can Logstash, ElasticSearch and Kibana be used to log http requests?

I need something like ODBC logging on Linux. There are some older libraries for Apache and MySQL, but I do not want to use them. I found the ELK stack and installed it. Can Logstash, ElasticSearch and Kibana be used as an http logging mechanism,…
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CentOs 6.2 server with ElasticSearch crashing multiple times each day

Im running a CentOS 6.2 server 1GB Memory 98 GB Disk Size Elasticsearch version 1.4.2 with around 9000 documents and using JDBC to retrieve the records from a mysql database Over the past few weeks it has crashed on average 2 times a day. When…
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Elasticsearch throws Could not reserve enough space for object heap

It seems that Elasticsearch stops working this morning. When i launch : sudo service elasticsearch start, it says : Starting ElasticSearch Server Done But when i check the status, it gives me : elasticsearch is not running I tried to launch it by…
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