Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
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elasticsearch creating files but not releasing them until I restart the service

I am running elastcsearch 0.90.5 and recently I have been having issues with the disk running out of space. This is not caused by my indexes increasing in size but by the elasticsearch service holding on to the disk space. If I restart the…
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Elasticsearch shuts down with no reason

We're running Elasticsearch 1.7.2 on ubuntu 14.04, the system has enough memory and other services on the server work just fine. But sometimes elastic shutsdown without any thing logged to it's log, or anything logged to syslog. How can I…
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1 answer

Why does graylog2 delete old indicies?

According to, graylog2 deletes old indicies based on the "elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices". Why can't graylog2 allow no. of indicies to grow? Also, according to the same page above, You have…
David C
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1 answer

ELK stack on google compute engine

Trying to set up an ELK stack on a google compute engine server I found out that the "click to deploy" solution google is providing is outdated. None the less I tried installing Logstash and Kibana on top of the ES only to find out that I could not…
2 answers Too many open files on tomcat server

I have web application which is based on JAVA (GWT Framework). I hosted my web application on Redhat Linux Server 6.0 using Tomcat 8.0.9 in front of apache http server connected using AJP connector and JDK 8. Whenever 20+ users access my website…
Kushal Jain
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Experiences with logfile monitoring

In an IT-integrator, I'm currently trying to evangelize the use of log file monitoring of hardware installations. The idea is to use a Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana stack (most flexibility, open source). However to convince management I'm looking…
stefan schbr
1 answer

How to provision dashboards into kibana?

I am giving my developers the gift of kibana using the elasticsearch that is bundled with logstash. They will have kibana in their vagrant boxes. Goal: Install and configure kibana dashboards via scripts on startup. Problem: How to pre-load exported…
Dan Garthwaite
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1 answer

Why does elasticsearch reports swapping when swapping is disabled?

When trying to disable JVM swapping I disabled paging on a Windows machine and rebooted: When looking at the cluster health via Elastic HQ, I see that the JVM swaps very much anyway: Why is it so? Is the reading not accurate or is swap occuring…
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1 answer

Elasticsearch Snapshot Restore with Merge

I'm experimenting with Elasticsearch in relation to backups and restoring data. I can back up data into a snapshot using curator no problems. I then physically delete the files related to the index (to somewhat simulate a HD crash etc.) I restart…
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What is wrong with my logstash configuration?

Background I have two types of log files: output from an ETL process, and then output from a downstream processor. We call these "ETL" and "Processor" logs. The ETL logs are in their own folder under our logging directory, while the processor logs…
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1 answer

Elasticsearch network.bind_host and network.publish_host

I have a 4gb ram machine that works as a DB server for a ios/webapp. On that machine I only have Elasticsearch and MySql installed. What I want to do now is to only allow connections to ES from two IP addresses. The two servers that hosts the ios…
Kiwo Tew
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1 answer

Setting memory mapped file limit for Windows?

Hi running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. My server has 128GB of RAM. I'm using Elasticsearch which is configured with ES_HEAP_SIZE=30GB With Task Manager Private Working Set: 33GB Working Set: 97GB Looking with RAMMap.exe Process Private…
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Elasticsearch snapshot / curl error

I'm currently having an issue getting backups for ElasticSearch working correctly via their snapshotting system. Per their instructions, a snapshot repository has to be configured first, using this command: curl -XPUT…
0 answers

elasticsearch glibc memory corruption

My elastic search clusters keep crashing for no reason. All I can see in the logs is : INFO | jvm 4 | 2015/04/17 19:10:09 | *** glibc detected *** /usr/java/jre1.7.0_04/bin/java: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x00007f6a2c4d8560 *** I have a…
Arnaud Moret
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How parse a multiple objects serialized in log with logstash and grok

I'm parsing some log files with grok, but I have the following trace: [[ attr1=53212 searchTags=[love, rock] ]] [[ attr1=54612 searchTags=[love, peace, rock] ]] I use the following expression for…
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