Questions tagged [dns-zone]

"A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the Domain Name System (DNS) for which administrative responsibility has been delegated." (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Questions dealt with "zone" deal with administration and configuration of so-called DNS-zones.

Wikipedia explains the two terms:

DNS refers to the Domain Name System, a hierarchical distributed naming system networked entitities such as computers.

A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the DNS for which administrative responsibility has been delegated.

716 questions
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How to create RDNS (Reverse DNS)

How to create a RDNS (Reverse DNS) in centos or Ubuntu [PTR record] I searched a lot in Internet and didn't find any solutions. I got a idea it can be done by BIND or BIND9. In some forum i seen some peoples wrote "RDNS cannot created by user, it…
2 answers

How to set BIND9 with the ability to resolve internal domain addresses (CentOS)

I have some problem. I have a domain controller on windows server 2003 with dns server. IP that dns is: For example, i have some computers with names: "" – my domain. I have a gateway to internet on…
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When should a port 9040 used for?

A firewall rule for my web app ( python) is created with allowed protocol tcp:9040. I added my domain and created DNS zones, however I still don't get to see my app when I type my domain in the address bar. I have to type my "external ip…
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how to check name servers are pointing to my server IP

I have an application in node.js on a VPS(Cent OS 6.6) and I have set the port to 80. the problem I'm having is that the zone I have created in my DNS server doesn't work. I have created the name servers and added them to my domain, but still my…
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Hidden Primary DNS NS records

I am trying to setup a hidden primary DNS server and want to understand what should the right way to setup the SOA and NS records The hidden primary DNS will then do zone transfer to the secondary DNS that will be authoritative and serving DNS…
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DNS server query by the registry of my domain name is fine. But browser cannot fetch my website by its address

When I query my DNS server by the website of the the registry of .com** top-level domains, I can see that my DNS server is found: Query Domain: example**.com** Answer: Following name-servers have been defined in **NIC DNS for your domain: 1.…
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Connecting subdomain to a server as hostname

I have my website ( connected with a vps server and now I want to setup another server and use subdomain from main domain for hostname as well the nameservers (e.g. should point to new server, and…
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bind9 separated zone file for *

I want to create sub subdomain that are only visible from my private network. My named.conf.local looks like this: acl internals {;; }; view "internal" { match-clients { internals; }; zone…
G. Attila
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BIND9 sends notify to slave only with also-notify

I have a problem that has been driving me crazy for three days! I'm replacing my Authoritative DNS servers with new ones and then I'm resetting all BIND9 configurations again to do a bit more "fine tuning" given the replacement. I have configured a…
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DNS query sends NS response for NAPTR query instead of going for SRV and A query

I am trying to send dns query with NAPTR+SRV+A query but after NAPTR query it dns send NAPTR response with NS response and with additional records that is SRV and A but I want to send SRV and A query exclusively.
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dig shows SERVFAIL , while pointing at nameserver works fine

somewhat similar to this thread, I faced with a problem where dig (for the sake of simplicity let's call it returns status: SERVFAIL This DNS zone is hosted on route53, and I use GoDaddy as registrar - which points to NS records…
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Domains registered on cpanel but managed on own DNS server

I'm missing something basic here. I have some domains that my company originally registered with a hosting provider, and we have a cpanel login with those domains listed. We also have those domains on our own IIS server, from where we manage the DNS…
Abraham Brookes
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BIND zone file error

Im having an issue with a zone file in BIND. Here is the zone file, private information is masked. $ORIGIN $TTL 60 @ IN SOA ( 2019040702 ; serial number…
Dj Xtc
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Set up ns1, ns2 name servers at google cloud from a registered name server

I have regestered and and (Proper IPS) at I am using google cloud dns. I have set up A records at google cloud dns. A 300 A …
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not allowed to send mail from my own account?! DNS lookup / SPF

I give training and therefor i have a gmail account (linked to my weebly website Sometimes I get a Delivery Status notification (below) saying I am not allowed to sent mail and I need to contact the postmaster of MY website. I…
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