Questions tagged [dns-zone]

"A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the Domain Name System (DNS) for which administrative responsibility has been delegated." (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Questions dealt with "zone" deal with administration and configuration of so-called DNS-zones.

Wikipedia explains the two terms:

DNS refers to the Domain Name System, a hierarchical distributed naming system networked entitities such as computers.

A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the DNS for which administrative responsibility has been delegated.

716 questions
1 answer

How does the domain name system know the authoritative nameserver for my domain name?

Note: Someone linked to Why does DNS work the way it does? as a possible duplicate. But this link does not answer my question. Specifically, this link does not describe where exactly a regular domain name buyer like me (who has no DNS administration…
Lone Learner
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1 answer

Using CNAME record as MX record (kind of)

I'm using the mailgun service and it asks me to setup and on my domain, which is fine but I want to use something different on a secondary domain to mask that it's using mailgun. Is this scenario…
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1 answer

i install dns in centos machine but it not resolve ip to name and name to ip

I have some problem regarding DNS. I install DNS in CentOS 7 machine and my CentOS machine ip is . If I run nslookup FQDN (centos7.unixmen.local) name then it resolves the IP, which means my forward zone is running, and my output…
1 answer

Dns errors in the domain

The Domain name is: I updated all records. when i checked up DNS details using i found an error as : Too few IPv4 name servers (1). Only one IPv4 name server was found for the zone. You should…
2 answers

What's the role of the machine pointed by an A record in DNS?

Let's suppose we have the following DNS zone: A record: MX record: SOA record: NS record: A record for subdomain "www" : (the web server) A record for subdomain "ftp" :…
Ryan B.
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1 answer

What's returned in a DNS query?

In a DNS query (any query), is just the requested record returned or is the entire zone file returned? ie, if I ping in the command line, will just the A-record be returned or will the entire zone file for be returned?
1 answer

How to know MX record details of a subdomain or destination server to which emails are routed in a case co-existent of two service provider

In case of two co existent service email provider for one domain. How can i know the mx record of a destination server if I don't know the details of a subdomain. Are there any tools to detect the mx record of a sub domain or destination server…
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3 answers

Can we create a CNAME alias for something like

We maintain links to the documents coming from the following 3 sources. 1. 2. 3. But we do not give a direct link to the user. So we give the links to the documents, like the…
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1 answer

What does a domain registrar do?

What does a domain registrar actually do? As in, do they facilitate you registering your domain name with the registry? Do they host your domain? I downloaded a couple of top-level-domain zones, they're just a list of NS records. So my question is,…
1 answer

Meaning of root zone

In a db.root file, what are these lines supposed to mean? $TTL 86400 . IN SOA A.ROOT-SERVERS.EDU. root.A.ROOT-SERVERS.EDU. ( 1 ; serial number (update count) 28800 ; refresh (8 h) 7200 ; retry (2 h) 604800 …
1 answer

How to do "dynamic apex" right in DNS/BIND?

I want to retain dynamic control of the apex, but not break standard handling of other RRs (NS, MX). Context A domain name ( is controlled by the domain owner (via the domain registrar). The website shall be placed in…
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