Questions tagged [dns-zone]

"A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the Domain Name System (DNS) for which administrative responsibility has been delegated." (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Questions dealt with "zone" deal with administration and configuration of so-called DNS-zones.

Wikipedia explains the two terms:

DNS refers to the Domain Name System, a hierarchical distributed naming system networked entitities such as computers.

A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the DNS for which administrative responsibility has been delegated.

716 questions
1 answer

Changes to do to old zone after migrating DNS provider

We have migrated from a DNS zone provider (AWS Route 53) to another one (CloudFlare). We have changed the nameservers at our registrar (Gandi) on July the 20th 2021. We have not changed the SOA and NS records declared in the zone of our former DNS…
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bind9: forward to local name server does not work when internet connection is down

I have the following setup: A bind9 instance (referred as L below) on very limited hardware for resolving the names on my local networks. It is an authoritative master for the zone Queries to this server work and return…
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How to create a routing on windows server A lookup

I created A lookup that when someone types the url it resolves to an IP Address(e.g. Now I would like to put a routing that when the above IP address comes route via another IP( address. So the idea is when the ( IP…
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How to implement Anycast DNS

Our website hosting provider uses Anycast DNS and has a zone file with a set of nameservers as shown the this screenshot for the zone However the nameservers for the domain are different as shown the the screenshot. On changing the…
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WWW version as website binding or a DNS record?

In a windows server I am trying to setup a new domain and run a website. Which method should I use to access the website using www. prefix? using IIS by adding a website binding with www. prefix to the website settings? It seems this method has…
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different AWS accounts manage different subdomains

I've checked this answer but it didn't help. I'm moving to R53 zone in one AWS account ("parent") and want to manage subdomain in another ("child") account. I've created in the child acc: Then I took…
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without http and https, domain is not reachable

I have this amazon lightsail instance with static public IP pointed to my godaddy domain, everything is working except if you don't include http or https, domain is not reachable. A godaddy support verified all entries on the domain DNS zone are…
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BIND server serial number not updated

Please help with the following problem. Serial number is not updated / incremented after I run "rndc reload" Configuration: OS: CentOS 7; BIND: 9.11.4; Port 53 is not blocked, listening, but my guess this is configuration problem not network; Serial…
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separate email server for the subdomain

I am having some serious problems setting up the proper DNS addresses for my domain. My DNS records are like mail A ip1 (shared hosting provider) mail A ip2 (VPS mail server) info A …
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dns configuration with multiple subdomains and servers?

Will below configuration allow me to use one domain name ( to access two VPSes hosted with the same provider (prod and dev)? * IN A * IN A Will this configuration…
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Getting "Error: Invalid Value" while adding MX record in Google Cloud DNS

I am trying to add MX record in Google Cloud DNS but getting an Error Message Error message: ERROR Invalid value. Error NUMBER: d7422936167581091
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Adding a private nameserver to public DNS zone for a subdomain

We have a DNS zone setup on Azure which resolves all of our records on our base domain (eg: We also have an internal DNS server using BIND and are currently duplicating the records on the public and private DNS. I am trying to set up…
1 answer

Nameserver responding REFUSED on Centos 7

I have domain registered with godaddy. I had set up custom hostname on godaddy and used same nameservers for the domain. and (both hostnames are pointing to same ip) Now I had configured my server with Centos 7 and…
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nslookup not working on route-53 public hosted zone

I created a new record set in the public hosted zone and when I'm trying to do, "nslookup", it's not working. This is the response of nslookup: Server: Address: …
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adding txt record for domain verification

I would like to verify ownership of my domain by adding TXT record. For that i have two set of values 1)TXT Record Name: Value: M6ozS9PeCBZ-Q1sw4mBuJ3tsbuLQTMAkISHF--noe0k TXT Record Name:…