Questions tagged [dialog]

13 questions
9 answers

People think a "hidden" save file dialog box means the computer is frozen

I have had reports of my remote workstation freezing for several months, and it turns out that this is happening: User goes to print something to PDF (or save it). The file dialog box comes up asking where they want the file to go. They click…
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debian/ubuntu: Prevent UI prompting in command-line apt-get

So, in order to prevent console-UI (newt, snack, dialog) prompts during the dpkg post-install, you have to do something like: debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password password' debconf-set-selections <<<…
Dustin Oprea
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4 answers

how to run the dialog command with proccess

Please look on my code – ( bash script ) I want to display both dialogs on the screen on the same time, one dialog display the: tail –f from - /var/log/proccess1.log , and the second dialog display the: tail –f from the file -…
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1 answer

How to view two dialog boxes on the linux console, running on the same time?

I want to view on the Linux console two dialog windows on the same time. I want a window that views the progress BAR, and the a second tailbox that view the logs are running. The problem is that the dialog appears always in the center of the…
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2 answers

Display a dialog upon login asking for the login reason - Windows Server

I'm looking for a way to display an input dialog upon login to a production server, asking the user to indicate the reason of the login. I was thinking maybe there's a way in Windows to do it that is similar to the Shutdown dialog that is displayed…
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Using dialog in bash how do I modify behaviour based on multiple items being selected

I am creating a menu to append or overwrite ssh keys for multiple users using dialog --checklist. The menu is something like this 0) append 1) user1 2) root What I would like to happen is if option zero is selected and either option 1…
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Answering Dialoges with Bash

I need to automatically answer all dialoge (blue screenish Text GUI) questions when running dpkg-reconfigure exim4 as I have a bash script which will run on many servers. Is there some way to automatically input text, press enter and select yes/no?
1 answer

Terminal Server 2008 - Slow File open dialog in Office 2003

I have yet another small issue that annoys me everyday in our Terminal Server environment. It seems when logging into Terminal Server users report the initial File | Open or File | Save As from within an application such as Word, Excel (2003…
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Disabling systemd messages that interfere with running BASH script

How can I disable systemd messages that pop up in my BASH script once in a while (for example, after I login to the machine via SSH from somewhere), like in the screenshot below ? The BASH script uses the dialog tool and I run it on Ubuntu 18.04.…
2 answers

Which open source program is similar to the Linux "dialog" command?

The linux dialog command is a great tool for creating dialog boxes in terminal windows (e.g. in a bash script). However, there is a drawback of dialog which is that the window is always positioned in the center of the screen. In particular I would…
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1 answer

Vista: file browse/upload dialog crashes browser and Photoshop

Situation: Using a web browser, the user is trying to upload files to a website. Each time a file is selected, the browser crashes. Every time the browser prompts to Select A File for upload. The same behaviour occurs when the user tries to Save For…
1 answer

Which part of my OS is bringing up this OpenCurPrinter dialog?

One of our Enterprisey systems has a long-running batch process that sometimes get interrupted by the following popup dialog: OpenCurPrinter: printer: \\FS3\HP30351st, port: Ne00:, drive: winspool Error initializing the printer (where…
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2 answers

I have php installed but it is not rendering on the webpage, instead I see a dialog box

I have php, apache, mysql etc... I am trying to view a page named "index.php", which has in it, but instead I see a dialog box prompting me to open or save the file which is a PHP (application/x-httpd-php) file.. How…