Questions tagged [ddns]

100 questions
1 answer

DDNS from Windows/BIND with DHCP keys

Background: We plan to create a SQL AlwaysOn Availability Group cluster across multiple subnets. Therefore we're going to need the Windows 2008 R2 servers in this cluster to be able to update DNS dynamically (for fail-over situations). We run BIND…
0 answers

Trying to get an SVN running on a VM using a bridged connection and accessed from WAN using a DDNS

I am trying to get an SVN to run from a Windows 8 VM and accessed from a distant computer via WAN. I am using a VMWare Workstation 9 for the VM and the host is Windos 8 and the guest is Windows 8 also, I am using VisualSVN for the server and NO-IP…
2 answers

WinServer 2008R2, Two NIC's, forcing an app to use one of them

Short form question: Is there a way to tell an app to use the secondary NIC as a route even if it has a higher metric? Long form question & explanation: I have a Windows Server 2008R2 with two NIC's, each one connected to a different ISP's…
1 answer

DHCP Server Not Registering PTR Records - Multiple DHCP Servers

I have a DHCP server configured to always dynamically update DNS records. The DNS server is configured to allow both secure and insecure updates (I know it's not secure, but this is an internal-only network, no internet connection). Both are Windows…
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Is it possible to have both static and a dynamic A record created for the same host on an internal DNS server?

I am working on a case study related to risks from insecure dynamic DNS updates. Suppose there is an internal DNS configured that has a mix of static and dynamically created addresses. Consider a Windows AD integrated DNS environment. I need some…
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How to set up dynamic DNS for 'host' in isc dhcpd

I have set up a couple of subnets in my network, and in one of these subnets I'm setting up hosts like this: subnet netmask { option ntp-servers; option time-servers; authoritative; allow…
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BIND and DDNS updates, for Let's Encrypt certs

I need a TLS cert for Exim and not a website. For people who do not use webserver, Let's Encrypt provides certs via so-called DNS-01 challenge. It's simple really, a hook script dynamically updates BIND's zone with a TXT challenge RR which is then…
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DHCP DDNS not working for Linux clients

This is the same problem asked here but there is no indication it was ever resolved for Eddie. Plus, I have already looked at the various answers and tried what was suggested without success. I have a Linux box running a DHCP service (V3.0.7) and…
John Gardeniers
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Avoid local communication routed outside local network when using public domains

i have set up a server running Nextcloud and some other tools. To be able to access it from outside, i've already set-up DDNS and a DNS Entry for my domain referring to the DDNS, which works perfectly. The problem is, when i…
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VPN Tunneling through Multiple NAT environment

I currently building a DIY surveillance system based off of a QNAP NAS. The NAS will store the data, control the cameras, and act as a VPN Server for external access. I've managed to get all the the internal set-up functioning, but cannot access…
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How to determine secured ipv6 addr and temporary ipv6 addr? Is it secure to use secured ipv6 addr for DDNS and internet aceess?

I'm setting a linux kernel router, how to determine secured ipv6 addr and temporary ipv6 addr?When I run ifconfig on macOS, it will output like this: inet6 fe80::0000:0000:0000:3e7d%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x8 inet6…
maP1E bluE
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Router (Synology) translates external IP address to internal

My previous CISCO router (from my ISP) has been changed to Bridged mode, because I wanted to use mine (Synology). Afterwards the internet connection and the subnet worked fine, but my (DDNS) FQDN (from got resolved wrongly: Desired…
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sssd dynamically update DNS

I am trying to figure out how to get SSSD to dynamically update DNS for different domains on a per NIC basis. For instance if I have a server named that has 2 NIC's. I would like the first NIC to use DDNS to update NIC1's DNS…
Michael Moser
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Apache https redirect only redirects port

Been banging my head on this one for a while, for some reason Apache refuses to properly implement https redirect. I have tried it using a permanent redirect as well as a mod rewrite and everything in between. Currently I only have one virtual hosts…
1 answer

Wildcard subdomain routing from WAN to LAN

My current setup: I don't have a static IP from my ISP, so I run my own ddns on a Google Cloud instance The ddns I'm running is a docker image from, and I followed the instructions to configure the Google…