Questions tagged [ddns]

100 questions
0 answers

Serverless DDNS in an "AWS Like" cloud?

I am on a closed network, usin a derivative of AWS. I have one VPC in 2 Availability Zones, with a small range of IPs. Many of my VMs have dynamically assigned IPs. Right now, my Puppet Master is in AZ-A and serving as the DDNS server. I need to…
Scottie H
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Client DNS records not getting updated in Dynamic DNS

I have a RHEL7 machine setup with Dynamic DNS and until few days back it was working fine. However, recently I have started seeing a problem where the DNS records for client machines are not getting updated. Below are the log messages I can see in…
1 answer

Can isc-dhcp-server update bind running on a non default port?

I'm running the following on the same server: pi-hole, bind9, isc-dhcp-server and cloudflared (for DNS over HTTPS). The order goes like this: Pihole:53 -> Bind9:54 -> cloudflared:5353 I'm now installing isc-dhcp-server to act as my authoritative…
Evan R.
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DDNS + DHCPD : Once lease runs out, does DNS entry get removed?

Once there are several hundred adhoc machines being brought up, each with a unique name. Their hostname gets added to the DNS. Then upon TTL expiring, will the DNS entry still be reachable, or if the host has been down for some-time, it [dns-entry]…
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dhcpd rewrite invalid client hostname for ddns

Im using isc-dhcpd and bind9 to do ddns. It is mostly working, but updates from clients with invalid names, like "leif_opo5" or "Danfoss Connect CC" are rejected. I changed the hostname for my phone to leif-opo5, and it got registered, but I can't…
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Master DNS cannot be resolved when using nsupdate

I want to register a client at a local DNS-Server using nsupdate (Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 jessie 4.1.19-v7+) > nsupdate -d > update add lea02.example.local 600 a The Response from server fails strangely at resolving its own…
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2 answers

dynamically updating zone subdomains

I'm running a bind9 (9.9.5) DNS-server (on Debian/jessie). I have configured one zone to allow dynamic updates, and would like to add TXT records for specific hosts within that zone. Here's a sample setup (named.conf) zone "" { type…
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DHCP removing existing DNS records when asked for leases and none are available

I'm having a problem with my Dynamic DNS and DHCP setup where clients requesting leases when none are available causes a cascading failure where existing clients have their forward and reverse DNS records removed. I'm using isc-dhcp-server and…
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Expose a machine on the far side of a VPN

We're using a VPN to connect a remote office to our main office, and a machine in the remote office needs to expose port 22 to the outside internet. Complications: The main office has a fixed IP address. The remote office has a floating IP…
Sean C.
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1 answer

Asterisk and FXO issue over DDNS

I've been experimenting with asteriskNow (freePBX/asterisk 11) as a sip server with DDNS. Everything seems to be working fine using externhost and such; calls to remote extensions to and from asterisk are going through. There is also a grandstream…
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Vista, IIS7, Dynamic DNS & Netgear Issues

I'm running Windows Vista Business and installed IIS 7 (I changed no settings in it, everything is on default). I have a domain and have setup Dynamic DNS for it with the host. I use a program provided by the host to update my server's IP. I have a…
Mr. Smith
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Digital Ocean and dynamic DNS

We are migrating production website from AWS to Digital Ocean, and currently our main concern is static IP that DO provides for droplets. In case of droplet failure our static IP address would be lost, our DNS settings would become invalid, causing…
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ddns correct setting for dhcpd.conf and ifcfg file with regards to hostname

I have recently set up dynamic dns with ISC dhcpd 4 and bind 9. Everything is working as it should except for a handful of hosts on the network which don't resolve. Upon investigating I found they had been dynamically added into the bind zone file…
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Multiple DNS mappings for a host via DDNS

I have a network in which DNS is automatically updated with a record for hosts when they get an address via DHCP (isc-dhcp-server & Bind configured with DDNS updates). The DHCP server is configured so that a certain host with a complicated hostname…
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1 answer

DDNS client for Windows

I need to manually update BIND DNS from a Windows server. The network team has given my IP address permissions to write to DNS. I'm having trouble finding a good client. I see that nsupdate is a good client for Linux. Searching for "nsupdate for…