Questions tagged [database-administration]

293 questions
3 answers

MySQL maintenance - how to clear the buffer?

We have a server running our PHP/MySQL-based web application which is SLOW. My predecessor says: We used to do database maintenance, which used to clear the buffer, cached and unwanted variables. And I wonder what on earth he means with that…
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How to shape size of SQL server resorces (RAM, CPU, and others)

It is standard story, there is fight between developers and administrators. One denunciation that database design and queries are bad while others says It is lack of hardware and amount of data. So I am asking You is my IBM x3400 with 2 xenons…
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Shrink SQL Server data file, but not all at once?

I have a database file that's currently 150GB, but only 75GB is being used - it's because I moved all the indexes (the other 75GB) to a new data file. I'd like to reclaim at least part of the space from this data file, but when I attempt to shrink…
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Move a Database that is in restore mode

I have a database which is the recipient of a logshipping process. The database is in 'restoring'. Is it possible to move this database? EDIT Just to clarify what I meant by move. I mean to make a copy of the database and transfer it to another…
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Script logon to a 'Cisco' VPN in windows

I would like to sync my development database with actual data from the production databases on a regular basis (say, weekly). I already have the scripts to do this, and the amount of data is not huge. The problem is that we access the client…
N Reed
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4 answers

Using linked servers to query across database servers?

We have multiple MSSQL 2005 servers that contain silos of information. We want our database developers to be able to join across these silos in the most transparent and performant way possible. The databases vary in size, but average in the tens…
1 answer

Upgrading PostgreSQL on EC2 with minimum impact to existing configuration

I have PostgreSQL 9.2 installed on an EC2 instance, with yum install. I now need to upgrade to PostgreSQL 9.4. I've noticed that yum list lists 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 as completely separate packages, so I can't just upgrade using yum upgrade…
2 answers

How to implement table security without SUPER privilege?

A MAJOR provider of cloud-based MySQL does not grant the SUPER privilege to the master user. The provider is Amazon RDS, but my question isn't about Amazon RDS specifically, it's for the general case of the database owner/administrator not having…
2 answers

Most reliable MariaDB to Postgres dump method

I am in the process of migrating an app to another server, and will need to migrate the database contents from MariaDB to Postgresql. Most documentation indicates that the following format should suffice to dump the table: mysqldump -u root -p…
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3 answers

MySQL Table not repairing

Table info: Database name: user_motiva Table name: wp_options.frm wp_options.MYD wp_options.MYI wp_options.TMD when I do a mysqlcheck -r --all-databases it gets hung on that table even if you let it sit all day. Even just a check gets hung at…
Tiffany Walker
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1 answer

Unable to start SQL Server Instance 2008 R2 - DB file corrupt

I was not able to start the SQL Server 2008 R2 production DB instance. After reading the log file error message is " The log scan number passed to log scan in database ‘master’ is not valid. This error may indicate data corruption or that the log…
4 answers

How many Database accounts

How many user accounts should be setup for a given application? Where should the separation be? Should it be one login per application? 1 Application per program? 1 for front end and backend? How do you set up your database accounts?
C. Ross
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How do I connect to a SQL Server on an ISP using SQL Server Management Studio?

It's actually SQL Server Management Studio Express. Do I need the full version? How do I connect?
Robert Harvey
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2 answers

Online Schema Change Strategies for Large MySQL Tables

I'm curious to hear strategies and methods people use for performing alters on very large tables in MySQL. Large could be any number of rows or size that would be impacting to alter. For the sake of conversation, let's say 2 million+ rows to which…
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4 answers

Best practices for SQL Server audit trail

I'm facing a situation today where it would be very beneficial to me and my company if we knew who had logged into SQL and performed some deletions. We have a situation where at least 2 (sometimes 3) people login to SQL using SQL Server Management…
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