Questions tagged [database-administration]

293 questions
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How to DENY access for a particular database for login "sa" and grant access for another login? (SQL Server 2005 Express)

I have the SQL Server 2005 Express edition with "Mixed Mode authentication". So I want to create a database called "ActivityLogs" where I want to DENY access for the "sa" login. I want to create another login called "AuditLogin" which should be able…
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Postgres Role required to grant CONNECT on a specific database

I am trying to GRANT CONNECT on a DATABASE to a user as a schema owner in that database. The schema owner is not a superuser. Do I need to be the owner of a database to execute GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE DBXXX TO USER_YYY; ?? What role should a user…
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Is there split brain possibility

If there are 10 cameras recognizing number plates, and sending the data to the server with a backup server synchronized, is there a possibility to have split-brain problems when some things go wrong? Every piece of data has a timestamp, so if…
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SQL SERVER Express Connection String for User Instances same on SQL Server Standard

So SQL Server 2005 Express edition has the following connection string by default, which enables user instances instead of Concurrrent Multi-User Access: Data Source=.\SQLExpress; AttachDbFileName=|DataDirectory|\dash.mdf; Integrated…
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Everyday the DBs are in Recovery pending state

I have an Azure Virtual Machine hosting a SQL Server 2016 named instance. On this instance I have several DBs. Now, everyday we shutdown the virtual machine at 11.59PM and restart it at 8.00AM. The problem is that everyday I find some of the DBs in…
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4 answers

Is there any major performance issue if you switch default-storage-engine setting from InnoDB to MyISAM?

Recently we upgraded version of MySQL on the database server, Almost all of our tables are in MyISAM but in my.ini we have set --default-storage-engine=InnoDB But now we want to change this setting to MyISAM because previously we were using MyISAM…
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How do I configure SQL Server to name database backup files by date or other pattern?

When SQL Server 2005/2008 database backup jobs are run from Maintenance Plans, can they be configured to include some sequence number (or other indicator) in the filename, so that previous files with the sane name aren't overwritten? (Note I'd like…
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How to migrate postgresql data?

I have a on-premise postgresql database and have to migrate its data to aws aurora postgresql. However the back up is taken using pg_start_backup. Can I use pg_restore to restore it? Has anyone encountered any issues, What should I be concerned…
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MySQL restart on the server the memory used by mySQL has increased from 1.8 GB to 9.2 GB This resulted in 97% of the Server memory being in used

MySQL restart on the server the memory used by mySQL has increased from 1.8 GB to 9.2 GB This resulted in 97% of the Server memory being in used Any tuning need to be set on my.cnf file. Every week I am manually restarting server
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How do you stop a hacker from changing passwords in your DB directly, if they're already in a position to steal the DB?

I've been researching the methods of securely storing user passwords in a database (by only storing the hashed password, with a strong algorithm, along with a salt, and deriving the key after so many iterations, like pbkdf2). This is great for if…
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My situation: I work at a help desk and have access to the server active directory is on. I do not have edit privileges. I am in control of inventory and need to have a way to get employee information more efficiently then navigating through the…
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How to move PostgreSQL data directory?

My PostgreSQL installation by default uses /var/lib/pgsql directory to store data, backups and configuration files. As my disk space is running out, I have installed new hardware and mounted it in the /data directory. Having this done, I would like…
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Moving MYSQL database Cache issue?

I moved a mysql (myisam) database using rsync to aother server, I realized after doing this that I forgot to run 'flush tables' before moving the files so not all changes were written to disk I guess. I did this out of hours but I was wondering how…
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ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using Password:YES)

root@test-2:/usr/local# mysql -u root -H -p Enter password: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
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Database management

First of all please forgive me if this question is off the topic. I have a developed social networking site where users can upload photos and update status. I thought of hosting in AWS EC2, but to get started it required a credit card which I don't…
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