Questions tagged [database-administration]

293 questions
5 answers

Updating a MySQL Database

We have an online system using MySQL database. We need to merge an older backed up database (Full tables, not a dump file) with the current one. Without experiencing any server downtime, how would you do it? Note that the system is online 24/7. What…
Sajal Dutta
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2 answers

What are the basic tasks that need to be done to keep an SQL Server 2005 database healthy

I have a SQL Server 2005 database that is large in every sense. It is complex, it has a lot of data (relatively, but given the lack of blobs, it is still quite large) and it is heavily accessed. What are the basic administration tasks that need to…
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1 answer

What does "GC (Allocation Failure)" mean in my ElasticSearch 5.6 logs?

I see these constantly in my Elasticsearch 5.6.3 logs. Is this a signal that I should scale up and add more RAM? Or is this just normal operations for ElasticSearch? [GC (Allocation Failure) [ParNew Desired survivor size 11141120 bytes, new…
5 answers

What is "The" book for database design?

In programming, there is often a canonical book for a particular topic, like the dragon book for compilers, K&R for C, etc. Is their a book regarding modern database design that simply must be read by anyone that would hope to eventually design…
Eric Wilson
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4 answers

Can you explain exporting and then importing PostgreSQL using phpPgAdmin? (And what's with permissions?)

Bounty Edit: I've left the original question but would like a good answer on the whole permissions debacle that Postgres seems to bath in. 'Importing & exporting clients db's: A field guide' I just got this job today where we need to use…
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3 answers

Naming convention for databases and database users for access by a web application?

When installing a web application where a single user is used to talk to a single database (say MySQL, but this could apply to other RDBMSes also), you often have a sequence of events such as this: CREATE DATABASE wordpress CHARACTER SET utf8; GRANT…
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2 answers

PostgreSQL limiting connections to fewer than max_connections?

I have a PostgreSQL 9.4 server that seems to be limiting connections to fewer than what I have defined in max_connections. I have max_connections set to 300. SHOW max_connections; max_connections ----------------- 300 However, I have discovered…
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1 answer

Reclaiming free space in filegroup with single chronological partition

-moved here from SO (no coments there) Question: what is a proper way of reclaiming space in big (hundreds of GBs) filegroup with single partition of table that is chronologically ordered and has no index fragmentation and cannot afford no index…
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1 answer

PostgreSQL: Permission to execute function (that inserts into a table) but no permission to insert directly

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question. I have created a function that inserts values into many tables, and I want the web front-end to execute this function. I have granted execute permission to the web front-end's login role, but I…
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3 answers

How can I drop a MySQL user whose username contains unprintable characters?

I have a user in MySQL 5.6 that was somehow created with a non-printable character in the username. How can I drop this user? mysql> select user,host from mysql.user where user like 'wiki%'; +-----------------+------+ | user | host…
Scott Dudley
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2 answers

MongoDB Auth, can be authenticated in the shell but not via the command line

I have an application that connects to a MongoDB database called discussions. I've created a user Mongo shell: > use discussions switched to db discussions > db.auth("discussions","XXXXXXXXX") 1 > show users { "_id" :…
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1 answer

Regarding High Availability for MSSQL Server

Already used in MySQL : Real Time Replication (synchronization) between primary and secondary server is done using master and slave commands. So What is the equivalent feature for MsSQL. Which Replication method should be used for real time…
2 answers

How to disable 1 version of PostgreSQL server without uninstalling it

I have installed PostgreSQL 9.1 and 9.2 on my Ubuntu machine. The postgresql service starts both versions: $ sudo service postgresql start $ * Starting PostgreSQL 9.1 database server [ OK ] $ * Starting PostgreSQL 9.2 database server [ OK ] I'd…
1 answer

Is it safe to modify innodb_data_file_path value for mysql 5?

I recently experienced data corruption after changing the value of this parameter in my.cnf from : innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:128M to : innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:256M I am not completely sure this…
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2 answers

MySQL 5.5.16 allows anonymous connections

Apparently, I can connect to MySQL (at least from my localhost) without having to provide any username or password. I can even put anything as username, as long as the password is empty. I have access to the information_schema and test databases. I…
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