Questions tagged [database-administration]

293 questions
1 answer

InnoDB Failure of some kind

I have MySQL 5.5 installed. I tried to install Joolma but it failed. I went into their sql and replace EGNINE=InnoDB with MyISAM and the install worked. InnoDB is listed under SHOW ENGINES; Any idea what the cause is or how to fix this so other…
Tiffany Walker
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1 answer

MySQL Configuration on my.cnf

[mysqld] core-file default-storage-engine=MyISAM max_connections = 5000 max_user_connections = 5000 key_buffer = 1024MB myisam_sort_buffer_size = 512M join_buffer_size = 256M read_buffer_size = 256M sort_buffer_size = 256M read_rnd_buffer_size =…
1 answer

Linking LDAP with other databases — design considerations

There's a company X (a call center) with about 300 workstations and a task to implement LDAP for user authentication. Fine. We put non-volatile user information (UIDs, e-mails, first and last names) to LDAP directory – everything by the book. There…
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How to manage many identical instances of a MySQL schema over many machines?

I'm working on a project that has a MySQL database schema that's used on three different servers (MySQL databases) into 20 copies of the schema for each server (which are all identical in form but contain different data).... so 60 copies of the same…
1 answer

how to initiate and maintain mongo shard replica set from mongos server?

I am trying to initiate a mongo shards replica set from mongos server, I want my mongos to maintain replica set and able to add new server to replication if needed.
4 answers

will a 100GB database with large tables on MSSQL 2008 server run on a 3GB RAM system?

This will be only for testing and developing. I have a 100 GB DB I am working on and need a sanbox envorinment. The only hardware I have is a desktop with 3GB and 32bit. I am able to install SQL 2008 Ent 32-bit (trial) on XP with no issues. Will…
1 answer

How should my company bring its product, a line-of-business MVC application, into the cloud?

I am a recently-hired junior software engineer at a small company that develops and sells a normal client/server MVC application to small and mid-level enterprise clients in a particular line of business. (I'm leaving specifics out for anonymity.)…
1 answer

mysql remote server connection fails

I'm working on this for 4 days and I know it is all over google, but I did all the required stuff but still no connection. I created to 2 vagrant boxes, one for web server and one for mysql. web: mysql: I edited the…
Tzook Bar Noy
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